Information Technology


The department of Information and Technology was initiated in 1997. This department is headed by Dr. S. Ramacharan. After the inception, the growth of the Department of Information technology, is taking strides in strength and in facilities year after year. The department boasts of latest equipment in tune to the latest trends in the field of teaching like computer visual aids.


To build a prime transformative learning community that responds swiftly to the challenges of Information Technology.


To foster an intellectual environment that delivers virtuous Information Technocrats with commitment to industry and society by strengthening the logical, analytical and applicative skills to excel academically and professionally. To inculcate good communication skills in students and introduce them to various codes of professional practices for carrying out effective team collaborations and project management in the field of IT.

Program Educational Objectives:

PEO1: Providing students with a compelling foundation in Engineering and Basic Sciences that will further help them conduct investigations of complex problems.

PEO2: Applying Scientific and Engineering methodologies using modern tools and techniques in the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of information in the field of IT.

PEO3: Promoting life long learning and help students aim for higher education and evolve as successful Engineers in the society.

PEO4: Inculcating strong communication skills, ethics and various codes of professional practices useful in performing effective project management & team collaborations and enable them to sustain and excel in various environments.