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- +M.Tech.-DECE
Department of ECE – HOD Profile
M.Tech, Ph.D, FIE, MIETE, Professor & HOD, ECE
Dr.K.Ragini, completed her Ph.D from JNTUH in VLSI Specialization. She has 26 Years of Teaching Experience. She had published papers in 42 reputed International, National journals and listed in the IEEE conference proceedings and scopus indexed journals. She have actively participated in various Research activities and submitted Research Proposals to various funding Agencies in VLSI ,IOT and Embedded systems. She established VLSI Lab of 10 lakhs worth equipment in the department .
She has Authored 3 Books, one Patent published and 3 patents Applied. Received “Women Achiever” Award from Accenture on women’s day 2017, ‘Academic Excellence Award’ in GNITS in 2007.Received second Best-IETE-ISF Award for year 2022-2023,from IETE Center –Telangana. Received SPOC Certificate of Appreciation from NPTEL for instrumental role as SPOC for SWAYAM-NPTEL Local chapter for 5 consecutive years ,2017, 2018, 2019,2020 , 2021 and 2022.
Conducted successfully AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme on “Embedded systems in IOT” for faculty with a funding of 3.69 lakhs.and ATAL-AICTE Sponsored FDP on “Wearable Devices” with a funding of Rs.93, 000. She is convenor for two ATAL-FDP’s in “Image Fusion Techniques and Applications for Enhanced Visual Perception”and “Advancements in IOT-Driven Antennas for Satellite Navigation Systems”Each worth of 3.5 Lakhs. Conducted 34 Faculty Development programmes in GNITS. Presently Guiding one Ph.D Student. She is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India), Life Member of IETE Professional Body.