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No. of Research Publications in SCI / WoS / SCOPUS and other refereed and indexing Journals
Academic Year |
Scopus Journals | SCI/Web of Science | Google Scholar | UGC Care/others |
Total Journal Publications |
2023-2024 |
3 | — | 4 | 1 | 8 |
2022-2023 |
10 | 2 | 23 | 18 |
53 |
2021-2022 |
11 | 4 | 3 | 14 |
32 |
2020-2021 |
13 | 2 | 1 | 6 |
22 |
Total | 39 | 6 | 31 | 39 |
115 |
S. No. |
Faculty Name | Title of paper | Name of the Journal | Issue, Vol., pages, Mon & Year of Publication, ISSN No. | Index |
Article Link |
1 | Dr.D.V.LalithaParameswari | A deep learning based solution for data disproportionproblem in side channel attacksusing intelligent sensors | Measurement: Sensors | April 2024,2665-9174, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.measen.2024.101137 | Scopus | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measen.2024.101137 |
2 | Mrs.T.Swapna | Improved segmentation and classification of glaucoma using u-net with deep learning model | International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Engineering | Vol.12, Issue 2, pp:287-297, April 2024, ISSN 2347-3657 | Google Scholar | https://www.ijitce.com/ijitceadmin/upload/ijlbpr_6631ef7a1c010.pdf |
3 | Mrs.S. Sandhya | Optimizing prediction of security data using feature selection and ensembling | International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Engineering | Vol.12, Issue 1, March 2024, pp:185-195,ISSN 2347-3657 | Google Scholar | https://www.ijitce.com/ijitceadmin/upload/ijlbps_65fec0ed746fa.pdf |
4 | Mrs.J.SriLatha | Text Detection and Classification in Camera Captured Documents Using CRNN+CRF Deep Learning Techniques | Journal of Engineering Sciences | Vol. 15,Issue 02,pp: 712-721,Feb 2024,IF:6.54, | Google Scholar | https://jespublication.com/uploads/2024-V15I02081.pdf |
5 | Dr.A. Sharada | Enhanced Software Defect Prediction Through Homogeneous Ensemble Models | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering | Vol. 12 Issue. 4S, pp:676-684,Nov 2023, 2147-6799 | Scopus | https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/3849 |
6 | Mrs.R.Mamatha | Enhanced Software Defect Prediction Through Homogeneous Ensemble Models | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering | Vol. 12 Issue. 4S, pp:676-684,Nov 2023,2147-6799 | Scopus | https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/3849 |
7 | Dr Raghavender K V | Developing an Image Caption Generator with Big Data and Machine Learning Techniques | International Journal of Food And Nutritional Sciences | Vol.12, Issue 1, pp:2500-2507, UGC-CARE Group I, Nov 2023,2319-1775 | Google Scholar | https://www.ijfans.org/uploads/paper/7f07717e156f3faf961c62dd35dd0ccb.pdf |
8 | Dr Raghavender K V | Accurate Drone Detection and Classification using Deep Learning Techniques | International Journal of Food And Nutritional Sciences | Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp:2500-2507,Nov 2023,2319-1775 | UGC-Care Group I, Google Scholar | https://www.ijfans.org/uploads/paper/328ad4f436f9753fdbbdaa1cc5c7de1e.pdf |
Academic Year |
Scopus Journals | SCI/Web of Science | UGC Care | Other |
Total Journal Publications |
2023 | 02 | 02 | 05 | 51(DBLP) | 60 |
2022 | 06 | 01 | 07 | 06 | 20 |
2021 | 14 | 03 | 11 | 03 | 31 |
2020 | 13 | 01 | 13 | — | 27 |
2019 | 05 | 02 | 16 | — | 23 |
2018 | 07 | — | 07 | 04 | 18 |
Total | 52 | 10 | 59 | 68 | 179 |
Academic Year | Scopus Journals | SCI/Web of Science | Google Scholar | UGC Care/others |
Total Journal Publications |
2022-2023 |
10 | 2 | 23 | 18 | 53 |
S.No. |
Name of the faculty | Title of Paper | Title of the Journal | Volume No. / Issue No./ Page No./ Month and Year of publication, ISSN No. | Index |
Article Link |
1 | Dr.Raghavender K V | Expert system for Smart Farming for diagnosis of sugarcane diseases using Machine Learning | Computers & Electrical Engineering | Vol.109,Part A, August 2023, 2722-2578 | SCI | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0045790623001635 |
2 | Dr. M. Seetha | Deep Learning Techniques for Retinal Image Enhancement | International Research Journal of Modernization in Eng.Technology and Science | Vol.05, Issue 7, pp:752-760, July 2023, 2582-5208 | Google Scholar | https://www.irjmets.com/uploadedfiles/paper//issue_7_july_2023/43050/final/fin_irjmets1689444720.pdf |
3 | Mrs.V.Divya Raj | Deep Learning Techniques for Retinal Image Enhancement | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Vol.05, Issue 7, pp:752-760, July 2023, 2582-5208 | Google Scholar | https://www.irjmets.com/uploadedfiles/paper//issue_7_july_2023/43050/final/fin_irjmets1689444720.pdf |
4 | Dr. A. Sharada | Simulation of human robot interaction through Avatar | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Vol.05, Issue 7, pp:977-982, July 2023, 2582-5208 | Google Scholar | https://www.irjmets.com/uploadedfiles/paper/issue_7_july_2023/43128/final/fin_irjmets1689242803.pdf |
5 | Mrs. Bhageshwari Ratkal | Simulation of human robot interaction through Avatar | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Vol.05, Issue 7, pp:977-982, July 2023, 2582-5208 | Google Scholar | https://www.irjmets.com/uploadedfiles/paper/issue_7_july_2023/43128/final/fin_irjmets1689242803.pdf |
6 | Mrs.Ch. Radhika | Multiscale object detection in remote sensing images using deep learning | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol. 11, Issue 07, pp:708-712, July 2023,2321-9653 | UGC | https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/14/2/427 |
7 | Mrs.Ch. Radhika | Prediction of mental health instability using machine learning and deep learning algorithms | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol. 11, Issue 07, pp:721-727, July 2023,2321-9653 | UGC | https://www.ijraset.com/best-journal/prediction-of-mental-health-instability-using-machine-learning-and-deep-learning-algorithms |
8 | Mrs.Ch. Mandakini | Prediction of personality traits and suitable job through an intelligent interview agent using machine learning | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol. 11, Issue 07, pp:728-733, July 2023,2321-9653 | UGC | https://www.ijraset.com/best-journal/prediction-of-personality-traits-and-suitable-job-through-an-intelligent-interview-agent-using-machine-learning |
9 | Mr.Ch. Sudarshan Reddy | Soil Fertility Analysis Using IoT | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol.12, Issue 06, pp:3738-3743,June 2023, 2321-9653 | UGC | https://www.ijraset.com/best-journal/soil-fertility-analysis-using-iot |
10 | Mr.T. Rajesh | Malware Detection and Prediction System Using Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol. 12, Issue 06 pp:3718-3729,June 2023, 2321-9653 | UGC | https://www.ijraset.com/best-journal/malware-detection-and-prediction-system-using-advanced-machine-learning-algorithms |
11 | Mr.B. Vamshi | Detection of Distracted Driver Using Convolutional Neural Network | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol. 12, Issue 06 pp:3642-3651, June 2023, 2321-9653 | UGC | https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.54176 |
12 | Mr.G.NagaBabu | Easy Bus (Virtual Bus Pass and Bus Tracking System): Design and Implementation Using Machine Learning Algorithms | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol. 12, Issue 06 pp:3652-3661, June 2023, 2321-9653 | UGC | https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.54177 |
13 | Dr.G. Narendrababu Reddy | Generative Data Augmentation and ARMD Classification | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol. 12, Issue 06 pp:3662-3667, June 2023, 2321-9653 | UGC | https://www.ijraset.com/best-journal/generative-data-augmentation-and-armd-classification |
14 | Mrs.Y Sravani Devi | Generative Data Augmentation and ARMD Classification | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol. 12, Issue 06 pp:3662-3667, June 2023, 2321-9653 | UGC | https://www.ijraset.com/best-journal/generative-data-augmentation-and-armd-classification |
15 | Mrs.Ch. Swathi | Glucose Monitoring using Deep Learning | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Vol. 12, Issue 06 pp:3668-3672,June 2023, 2321-9653 | UGC | https://www.ijraset.com/best-journal/glucose-monitoring-using-deep-learning |
16 | Mrs.Ch.Mandakini | Automatic Irrigation and Crop Monitoring System Using IoT and Deep Learning | Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology | Vol. 16 , Issue 1. pp:1-11,June 2023, 0973-6107 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/acst22/acstv16n1_1.pdf |
17 | Dr.A.Sharada | Datasets Creation for Depression Risk Prediction in Educational Environment during Pandemic | Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology | Vol. 16 , Issue 1.pp: 13-26,June 2023, 0973-6107 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/acst22/acstv16n1_2.pdf |
18 | Mrs.K. Sneha Reddy | Diet Recommendation System Based On Vitamin Intake | Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology | Vol. 16 , Issue 1. pp:35-43,June 2023, 0973-6107 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/acst22/acstv16n1_3.pdf |
19 | Mrs.P.Sunitha Devi | Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Stuttering in Speech | Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology | Vol.16 , Issue 1. pp: 45-53,June 2023, 0973-6107 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/acst22/acstv16n1_4.pdf |
20 | Mr.T.Anil | Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Fake News Detection | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research | Vol. 19 , Issue 1. pp:1-11,June 2023, 0973-1873 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/acst22/acstv16n1_5.pdf |
21 | Mrs.R. Mamatha | Future of Project Management with Machine Learning | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research | Vol. 19 , Issue 1. pp:13-23,June 2023, 0973-1873 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/ijcir22/ijcirv19n1_1.pdf |
22 | Dr.M. Seetha | Intelligent Deep Learning Based Pothole Detection and Alerting System | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research | Vol. 19 , Issue 1. pp:25-35,June 2023, 0973-1873 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/ijcir22/ijcirv19n1_3.pdf |
23 | Mrs.P.Sunitha Devi | Language Interpretation Using Machine Learning | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research | Vol. 19 , Issue 1. pp:37-50,June 2023, 0973-1873 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/ijcir22/ijcirv19n1_4.pdf |
24 | Mrs.T. DivyaKumari | Learning based Software Defect Prediction | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research | Vol. 19 , Issue 1. pp:51-62,June 2023, 0973-1873 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/ijcir22/ijcirv19n1_5.pdf |
25 | Mrs.D R Nanda Devi | Question Generation System Using NLP | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. | Vol. 13 , Issue 1. pp:1-9,June 2023, 2249-4251 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/ijcse20/ijcsev13n1_1.pdf |
26 | Dr. N. Kalyani | Smart Fit On Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. | Vol.13 , Issue 1. pp:11-34,June 2023, 2249-4251 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/ijcse20/ijcsev13n1_2.pdf |
27 | Mrs.Jayashree S Patil | Water Quality Prediction using Image Processing and Machine Learning Models | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. | Vol. 13 , Issue 1. pp:45-55,June 2023, 2249-4251 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ripublication.com/ijcse20/ijcsev13n1_3.pdf |
28 | Mrs.T.Swapna | Diabetic Retinopathy Classification using Transfer learning | International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering | Vol. 12, No.3, pp:110-116, May – June 2023, 2278-3091 | Google Scholar | https://www.ripublication.com/ijcse20/ijcsev13n1_4.pdf |
29 | Mrs.V.Divya Raj | Prediction of BMI from Facial Image using Deep Learning | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET). | Vol. 10, Issue 06,Page no 671, June 2023. 2395-0056 | Google Scholar | https://www.irjet.net/archives/V10/i6/IRJET-V10I6103.pdf |
30 | Dr.D.V.Lalitha Parameswari | Security and Privacy in Smart Farming: Challenges and Opportunities | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, | Vol.11, Issue 7, pp:324–328, 2321-8169 | Scopus | https://ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/7006 |
31 | Dr.D.V.Lalitha Parameswari | Detection of stages in Diabetic Retinopathy using CNN | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis | Vol. XV,Issue V, pp : 612 – 621,May 2023, 0886-9367 | UGC | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JWMPXJVxqtHcVSZUKivt4W7bcIlSn5R8/view?pli=1 |
32 | Mr.N. Venkateswarulu | Exploration of issues, challenges and latest developments in autonomous cars | Journal of Big Data | 10, 61 (May 2023),https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-023-00701-y, 2196-1115 | WoS/Scopus | https://journalofbigdata.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40537-023-00701-y |
33 | Mrs.D.NagaSwetha | Semantic and Syntactic Errors Detection using NLP | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis | Vol. XV,Issue V, pp : 612 – 621,May 2023, 0886-9367 | UGC | https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/195477626-semantic-and-syntactic-errors-detection-using-nlp |
34 | Mrs.M.Lalitha | (College Online Exchange) – Mobile Application using Flutter | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology | Vol. 12 Issue 7, pp:417-421,Apr 2023, 2278-0181 | Google Scholar. | https://www.ijert.org/research/clx-collge-online-exchange-mobile-application-using-flutter-IJERTV12IS040221.pdf |
35 | Dr.D. V. LalithaParameswari | Technology for KisanSamanvayam: Nutrition Intelligibility of Groundnut Plant using IoT-ML Framework | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | Vol.11 Issue: 3, Mar 2023, ISSN: 2321-8169 | Scopus | https://ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/6345/5792 |
36 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | A Pragmatic approach for hate speech detection through apply Machine Learning | AIP Conference Proceedings | Vol.2724, Apr 2023 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0130174, Scopus | Scopus | https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023AIPC.2724b0012D/abstract |
37 | Mrs.Y. Sravani Devi | Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Image Synthesis Using DCGAN and Classification of DR Using Transfer Learning Approaches | International Journal of Image and Graphics | DOI: 10.1142/S0219467823400090, Apr 2023 | WoS/ Scopus | https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/S0219467823400090 |
38 | Mrs.Bhageshwari Ratkal | Marker Based Augmented Reality using Vuforia and Unity 1 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | Vol. 2,Issue 4,Apr 2023,pp:298-303, 2349-5162 | UGC | https://www.jetir.org/view?paper=JETIR2304443 |
39 | Dr.D.V.Lalitha Parameswari | Spa Data Analysis for Discovery of Spatial Correlations | International Journal of Intelligent systems and applications in Engineering | Vol. 12 No. 15s, 2147-6799 | Scopus | https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/2898 |
40 | Mr.N.Venkateswarulu | An Industry Framework for Remote Health Monitoring using Machine Learning Models to Predict a Disease | Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research | Vol. 82, Issue 2, Page No’s: 232-240, Feb 2023, ISSN: 0975-1084, SCIE & Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.55, 0975-1084 | SCIE & Scopus Indexed | https://nopr.niscpr.res.in/bitstream/123456789/61361/1/JSIR%2082%2802%29%20232-240.pdf |
41 | Dr.D.V.Lalitha Parameswari | SPE: Ensemble Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Efficient Diagnosis of Brain Stroke towards Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering |
Vol. 11 No. 1,339–347,January 2023, 2147-6799 |
Scopus | https://www.bookcites.com/index.jsp?modul=makale-detay&alan=benzer&secenek=null&Id=7LmK8ooBQzmg-9NM3Et8 |
42 | Mrs.Y. Sravani Devi | A Deep transfer learning approach for identification of diabetic retinopathy using data augmentation | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | Vol. 11,No. 4, pp. 1287-1296, December 2022, 2252-8938 | Scopus | https://zenodo.org/record/7042268#.Y2PVJXZBzrc |
43 | Mrs.T. Swapna | Feature extraction to detect and classify diabetic retinopathy using fundal images | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | Vol. 9,Issue 11, pp:599-610, November 2022, 2395-0072 | Google Scholar | https://www.irjet.net/archives/V9/i11/IRJET-V9I11130.pdf |
44 | Mrs.T. DivyaKumari | Java Source Code Similarity Using Siamese Neural Networks | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol.100. No 17, pp.5507-5514, September 2022, 1992-8645 | Scopus | http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol100No17/17Vol100No17.pdf |
45 | Mrs.Ch.Radhika | Plant Leaf Disease Detection and classification Using Deep Learning | The International journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis | Volume XIV, Issue VIII, pp:268-275, August 2022, 0886-9367 | UGC Care | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JogLTOcyvTR6iZH52WP0ZEXgGSPtzpF8/view |
46 | Mrs.Jayashree S Patil | Reliability Enhancement and Optimal Path Selection in MANET Communication | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems | Vol. 12-Issue-6, pp:1136-1148, June-2020, 1506–1526 | UGC Care | http://cims-journal.com/index.php/CN/article/view/549 |
47 | Dr.M.Seetha | Smart Wheelchair Cum Bed Based on Voice Recognition for Disabled Person | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | Vol. 9,Issue 9, pp:358-365, September 2022, 2227-524x | Google Scholar | https://www.irjet.net/archives/V9/i9/IRJET-V9I9110.pdf |
48 | Dr.N.Kalyani | A Review on the Determinants of Suitable Chatbot Framework- Empirical Evidence from Implementation of RASA and IBM Waston Assistant frameworks | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | Vol. 9,Issue 9, pp:358-365, September 2022, 2227-524x | Google Scholar | https://www.irjet.net/archives/V9/i9/IRJET-V9I964.pdf |
49 | Mrs.Jayashree S Patil | Monitoring system for the baby using wireless sensors and camera | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science Engineering and technology | Vol. 9, Issue 9,pp:19740-19747, September 2022, 2350-0328 | Google Scholar | https://www.ijarset.com/upload/2022/september/8-javeriyasaleem-03.docx.pdf |
50 | Mrs.Ch.Mandakini | Detection and Localization of Image Splicing Forgery using Deep Learning | The International journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis | Vol. XIV, Issue VIII, , pp: 261-267,August 2022, 0886-9367 | UGC | 38-IJAEMA-AUGUST-7688.pdf – Google Drive |
51 | Mrs.J.Padmavathi | Perinatal Mental Health Care System using Machine Learning Techniques | The International journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis | Vol. XIV, Issue VII, August 2022, 0886-9367 | UGC | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JogLTOcyvTR6iZH52WP0ZEXgGSPtzpF8/view |
52 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | Block chain in healthcare: Moving towards a methodological framework for Protecting Biomedical databases | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography | Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp:891-901, July 2022,0972-0529 | Scopus | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09720529.2022.2068598?cookieSet=1 |
53 | Mrs.S. Sandhya | Perinatal Mental Health Care System using Machine Learning Techniques | The International journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis | Vol. XIV, Issue VII, August 2022, 0886-9367 | UGC | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09720529.2022.2068598?cookieSet=1 |
Year of Publication : 2023
No.of Scopus Publications | No.of WoS Publications | No.of UGC Publications | DBLP | Total |
02 | 02 | 5 | 51 | 60 |
S.No. | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number | Is it listed in UGC list |
1 | Cross-Site Scripting Recognition Using LSTM Mode | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
2 | Development and Implementation of Efficient Recruitment Portal Using Blockchain | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
3 | Machine Learning Classifiers Performance Comparison for Breast Cancer Detection | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
4 | Comparison of Pollard’s rho Algorithm Based on Cycle Finding Methods | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
5 | Smart Street Parking System for Smart Cities Based on the IoT Prototype | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
6 | A Hybrid PSO-Fuzzy Trust Energy Aware DRP in Wireless Sensor Network | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
7 | Online Advertising Dataset Using ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) and LR (Linear Regression Techniques) | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
8 | Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning-Based Agri and Food Quality and Safety Detection System | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
9 | Nucleus Segmentation Using K-Means Clustering for Analysis of Microscopy Images | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
10 | A Novel Dynamic Latch Comparator Design and Analysis for ADCs | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
11 | A Dual Stopband Frequency Selective Surface at 2.57 and 5.40 GHz | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
12 | Post-COVID-Efficient and Reliable Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Using Random Forest and GA with KNN | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
13 | Natural Scene Text Detection in Video with Hybrid Text Augmentation and Fusion-Transferred Learning | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
14 | Quality-Produced Agricultural Crop Price Prediction Using Machine Learning | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
15 | An Optimized Control on Delay and Transmission Rate Over Wireless Video Streaming Channels | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
16 | Classifier-Free Guidance for Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
17 | Art Generation Using Speech Emotions | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
18 | Image Forgery Detection System Using Convolution Neural Networks | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
19 | Comparative Analysis of ML Algorithms’ Application in SAPV Generation Systems | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
20 | Implementing Digitalization in Square Blockchain Technology Using HDS Methodologies | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
21 | Comic Character Recognition (CCR): Extraction of Speech Balloon Context and Character of Interest in Comics | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
22 | COVID-19, Normal, and Pneumonia Classification Based on Deep Features Using Transfer Learning | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
23 | Image Captioning for Assisting the Visually Impaired | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
24 | IoMT Assisted Monitoring and Voice-Based Food Recommendation System Using Deep Learning Model | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
25 | Framing of Quality Questions for Quality Code Snippets | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
26 | Domestic IoT Smart Home Its Future Roles and Human Behavior Through Interaction | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
27 | Comparative Analysis of Crude Oil Price Prediction Using Various Machine Learning Models | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
28 | Glaucoma Retinal Image Synthesis Using the GAN | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
29 | Electronic Supply Chain: A Bibliographic and Descriptive Literature Review | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
30 | Interpretation and Assessment of Improved Deep Networks for the Classification of Glaucoma Using Explainable Grad-CAM Approach | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
31 | Improvement of Modified Social Group Optimization (MSGO) Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
32 | Facial Recognition System with Secured Dynamic Implementation and Time Restriction | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
33 | A Simple Policy Update Method for the Sharing of Privatized Personal Health Information | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
34 | Performance Evaluation of ML-Based AWS Security Evaluation Model for Cloud Computing | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
35 | Analysis of Radiation Induced in Multiphase Flow of a Viscous Conducting Heat and Mass Transfer Fluid in a Vertical Porous Medium | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
36 | Otsu-Based Differential Evolution Method for Image Segmentation | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
37 | Emotion Detection Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
38 | Object Detection Using Deep Learning Approaches | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
39 | Telugu Tweets Sentiment Analysis Based on Ordinal Regression | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
40 | Image Style Transferred to Graphical User Interfaces | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
41 | Detection of stages in Diabetic Retinopathy using CNN | Dr.D.V.Lalitha Parameswari | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis | 2023 | 0886-9367 | UGC |
42 | Semantic and Syntactic Errors Detection using NLP | D.Naga Swetha | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis | 2023 | 0886-9367 | UGC |
43 | (College Online Exchange) – Mobile Application using Flutter | M.Lalitha | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology | 2023 | 2278-0181 | Google Scholar. |
44 | Technology for KisanSamanvayam: Nutrition Intelligibility of Groundnut Plant using IoT-ML Framework | Dr.D.V.Lalitha Parameswari | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | 2023 | 2321-8169 | Google Scholar. |
45 | A Pragmatic approach for hate speech detection through apply Machine Learning | Dr.G.Malini Devi | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2023 | 1551-7616 | Scopus |
46 | Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Image Synthesis Using DCGAN and Classification of DR Using Transfer Learning Approaches | Y.Sravani Devi | International Journal of Image and Graphics | 2023 | 1793-6756 | Scopus |
47 | Marker Based Augmented Reality using Vuforia and Unity 1 | Bhageshwari Ratkal | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2023 | 2349-5162 | UGC |
48 | An Industry Framework for Remote Health Monitoring using Machine Learning Models to Predict a Disease | Dr.O.Obulesu | Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research | 2023 | 0975-1084 | SCIE & Scopus Indexed |
49 | An Industry Framework for Remote Health Monitoring using Machine Learning Models to Predict a Disease | N.Venkateswarulu | Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research | 2023 | 0975-1084 | SCIE & Scopus Indexed |
50 | Stress Detection in Classroom Environment Using Physiological Data | Bhageshwari Ratkal | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
51 | Prediction of Next Words Using Sequence Generators and Deep Learning Techniques | P. Sunitha Devi | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
52 | Segmentation of Lung Regions for the Detection of Juxta-Pleura Nodules in CT Scan | B. Sasidhar | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
53 | A Deep Learning Paradigm for Classifying Personality | K. V. Raghavender | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
54 | Early Prediction of Healthcare Diseases Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques | O. Obulesu | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
55 | G-EYE: Smartphone Compatible Portable Indirect Ophthalmoscope for Generating Quality Fundus Images | Y. Sravanidevi | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
56 | River Network Identification from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms | D. V. Lalitha Parameswari | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
57 | Attention-Based Approach for English to Hindi Translation | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
58 | Interview Supporting System Using Facial Features | Dr.M.Seetha | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
59 | Robotic ARM for Effective Environmental Cleaning | P. Sunitha Devi | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
60 | Deep Learning Model with Progressive GAN for Diabetic Retinopathy | Dr. N. Kalyani | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 2023 | 2194-5365 | DBLP |
Year of Publication : 2022
No.of Scopus Publications |
No.of WoS Publications | No.of UGC Publications | Other |
Total |
– | 1 | 7 | 5 |
20 |
S.No. | Name of the faculty | Title of Paper | Title of the Journal | Volume No. / Issue No./ Page No./ Month and Year of publication | Indexed in SCI/ WoS Scopus/ UGC/ | ISSN No. |
1 | Y. Sravani Devi | A Deep transfer learning approach for identification of diabetic retinopathy using data augmentation | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | Vol. 11,No. 4, pp. 1287-1296, December 2022 | Scopus | 2252-8938 |
2 | T. Swapna | Feature extraction to detect and classify diabetic retinopathy using fundal images | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | Vol. 9,Issue 11, pp:599-610, November 2022 | Google Scholar | 2395-0072 |
3 | T. Divya Kumari | Java Source Code Similarity Using Siamese Neural Networks | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol.100. No 17, pp.5507-5514, September 2022 | Scopus | 1992-8645 |
4 | Y. Sravani Devi | A deep transfer learning approach for identification of diabetic retinopathy using data augmentation | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 1287-1296, September 2022 | Scopus | 2252-8938 |
5 | Dr.M.Seetha | Smart Wheelchair Cum Bed Based on Voice Recognition for Disabled Person | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | Vol. 9,Issue 9, pp:358-365, September 2022 | Google Scholar | 2227-524x |
6 | Dr.N.Kalyani | A Review on the Determinants of Suitable Chatbot Framework- Empirical Evidence from Implementation of RASA and IBM Waston Assistant frameworks | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | Vol. 9,Issue 9, pp:358-365, September 2022 | Google Scholar | 2227-524x |
7 | Dr.A.Sharada | Machine Learning Perspective on Emotional Dichotomy during the Pandemic | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | Vol. 9,Issue 9, pp:319-330, September 2022 | Google Scholar | 2227-524x |
8 | Jayashree S Patil | Monitoring system for the baby using wireless sensors and camera | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science Engineering and technology | Vol. 9,Issue 9, pp:19740-19747, September 2022 | Google Scholar | 2350-0328 |
9 | Ch.Radhika | Plant Leaf Disease Detection and classification Using Deep Learning | The International journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis | Volume XIV, Issue VIII, pp:268-275, August 2022 | UGC Care | 0886-9367 |
10 | Ch.Mandakini | Detection and Localization of Image Splicing Forgery using Deep Learning | The International journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis | Vol. XIV, Issue VIII, , pp: 261-267, August 2022 | UGC | 0886-9367 |
11 | J.Padmavathy | Perinatal Mental Health Care System using Machine Learning Techniques | The International journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis | Vol. XIV, Issue VII, August 2022 | UGC | 0886-9367 |
12 | Dr. D.V.Lalita Parameswari | Block chain in healthcare: Moving towards a methodological framework for Protecting Biomedical databases | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography | Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp:891-901, July 2022 | Scopus | 0972-0529 |
13 | Dr.O.Obulesu | Deep convolution neural networks learned image classification for early cancer detection using lightweight | Application of soft computing | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-022-07166-w May 2022 | Web of Science | 5937-5943 |
14 | Jayashree S Patil | Trust-Based Revocation Mechanism for isolating the Misbehaving Nodes in MANETs | Journal of Optoelectronics Laser | Vol. 41,Issue 5, pp: 203-208, May 2022 | Scopus | 1005-0086 |
15 | Y.Sravani Devi | DR-DCGAN: A Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DC-GAN) for Diabetic Retinopathy Image Synthesis | Webology | Vol. 19, Number 2, pp:931-945, February 2022, IF:1.57 | Scopus | 1735-188X |
16 | Dr. Raghavender K.V | Analyzing Histopathological images by using Machine Learning techniques | Applied Nanoscience | https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-021-02217-4 , February 2022 | Scopus | 1320-4021 |
17 | Dr.M.Seetha | Performance analysis of LSTM based deep learning models for abnormal action prediction in surveillance videos | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol.100. No 1, January 2022, IF:0.60 | UGC | 1992-8645 |
18 | D. Manju | Performance analysis of LSTM based deep learning models for abnormal action prediction in surveillance videos | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol.100. No 1, January 2022, IF:0.60 | UGC | 1992-8645 |
19 | Jayashree S Patil | Assistive Interaction Using Gestures and Voice Commands | International Journal of Research | Vol. XI, Issue 1, pp:103-113 , January 2022, IF:3.5 | UGC | 2348-6848 |
20 | M.Lalitha | Assistive Interaction Using Gestures and Voice Commands | International Journal of Research | Vol. XI, Issue 1, pp:103-113, January 2022, IF: 3.5 | UGC | 2348-6848 |
Book/Book Chapters/Conference Papers
Academic Year |
Books/ Book Chapter | Conference Proceedings | Total | ||
Scopus | SCI/Web of Science | other | |||
2023-2024 |
2 |
14 | — | 16 |
32 |
2022-2023 |
79 |
12 | 14 | 47 |
152 |
2021-2022 |
12 |
12 | 2 | — |
16 |
2020-2021 |
1 |
11 | — | 9 |
21 |
Total |
82 | 51 | 16 | 72 |
221 |
S.No. | Faculty Name | Title of the paper | Title of the Conference | ISBN/Venue | Mon & Year | Index | Article Link |
1 | Mrs. Jayashree S Patil ,AkhilaMailaram, Pavani Naga KumariBasa, A. Sai Sravya& BanvitaYadam | Integrating Image Processing and Convolution Neural Networks for Water Quality Detection | International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering (SCI-2023) | 978-981-99- 7137-4_77 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-7137-4_77 |
2 | Mrs.R.PallaviReddy, N.Kalyani, Ch. Monica, G. Tripthi | Identification of Disfluency Among Children Using Efficient Machine Learning Techniques | International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering (SCI-2023) | DOI:10.1007/ 978-981-99- 7137-4_80 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377970524_Identification_of_Disfluency_Among_Children_Using_Efficient_Machine_Learning_Techniques |
3 | Mrs.Ch.Mandakini, MadavediSoujanya, Mala Bhavana, ManchikatlaVarshini, KalidindiHarshitha | Student Surveillance System for Detecting Abnormal Incidents in the Campus using Deep Learning | International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering | 978-981-99- 7137-4_79 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/student-surveillance-system-for-detecting-abnormal-incidents-in-/26699678#:~:text=An%20image%20dataset%20related%20to,when%20any%20motion%20is%20detected. |
4 | Mrs. Jayashree S Patil, DhanyaBodapati, VandanaElaprolu & NavyaPeram | Deep Learning paradigm for time series Stock prediction | International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering (SCI-2023) | 978-981-99 -7137-4_78 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-7137-4_78#:~:text=Deep%20Learning%20paradigm%20for%20time%20series%20stock%20prediction%20model%20architecture,price%20of%20the%20particular%20stock. |
5 | Dr.M.Seetha, D. Pravalika, E. Deepika, J. Sanjana Priya | Binary classification of fundus images obtained with the G-eye smart phone retinal imaging system | International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering (SCI-2023) | 10.1007/978 -981-99-7137 -4_76 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377971730_Binary_Classification_of_Fundus_Images_Using_G-EYE_for_Disease_Detection |
6 | Dr.N.Kalyani, Vaishnavi Yada, Shreya Bashetty, SaipriyaPallerla & SarojaMudavath | Retina Capturing using portable device and classification of images for prevalence of eye disease | International Conference on Communications and Cyber- Physical Engineering (SCI-2023) | 978-981-9971 -37-4 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-7137-4_83#:~:text=The%20D%2DEYE%20Portable%20Retinal,available%2C%20including%20the%20iPhone%206S%2B. |
7 | Mrs.S.Sandhya, MohiniAwadhiya, Bhavani Nimmala, S. Pranathi & Koppula Soumya | Multiclass Pixel level segmentation for drivable road detection | International Conference on Communications & Cyber-Physical Engineering (SCI-2023) | Print ISBN: 978-981-99 -7136-7 Online ISBN978-981- 99-7137-4DOI: https://doi. org/10.1007/978 -981-99-7137- 4_81 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-7137-4_81 |
8 | Dr.G.Malini Devi, C. Rishitha, D. Harshitha, J. Meghana & P. Alekhya | The Interview master to predict personality Traits | International Conference on Communications & Cyber-Physical Engineering (SCI-2023) | 978-981-99 -7137-4_75 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-7137-4_75#:~:text=The%20Interview%20Master%20is%20an,inception%20phase%20of%20employment%20scrutiny. |
9 | Dr. G. Malini Devi, D. Divya, J. Mounika, Ch. Sruthi & D. Samaikya | Enhancement of low resolution images using ANN | International Conference on Communications & Cyber-Physical Engineering (SCI-2023) | 978-981-99 -7137-4_82 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-7137-4_82#:~:text=The%20CNN%20and%20ANN%20also,concurrently%20on%20more%20restricted%20ranges. |
10 | Dr.Raghavender K.V, S. Alankruthi, A. Akhila, T. Preethi, M. Ashritha | Decentralized smart contract certificate system using EthereumBlockchain Technology | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE-2023) | https://doi. org/10.1016/ j.procs.2023.12.035 | Feb 2024 | Scopus | https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icete-23/125994184 |
11 | Mrs.T.Swapna | Groundwater Quality Assessment for Villages Around Umred Coal Mines, Nagpur District, Maharashtra | International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science (ICERCS) | 979-8-3503- 5976-3 | Dec 2023 | Scopus | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10434069/ |
12 | Dr K.V Raghavendar | CNN approach for Skin Lesion Classification using Dermoscopic Images | International Conference on Data Science Machine Learning & Applications | GNITS, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
13 | Mrs.T.Swapna, | A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Algorithms for Glaucoma Classification using Retinal Images | International Conference on Data Science Machine Learning & Applications | GNITS, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
14 | Dr.Jayashree S Patil | Diagnosis Via ResNet50 Feature Extraction in a deep Learning Frame Work | Big Data, Virtual Reality ,Information and Communication Technologies | BVRIT, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
15 | Dr.Jayashree S Patil | Detection of Malicious URL’s | Big Data, Virtual Reality ,Information and Communication Technologies | BVRIT, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
16 | Mrs.M.Lalitha, | Detecting Multiple Reminders from Conversations through NLP | International Conference on Big Data, Virtual Reality, Information & Communication Technologies | BVRIT, Hyderabad | Dec 2023, | Scopus | — |
17 | Mrs.M.Lalitha, | Disaster Management and awareness using Augmented Reality | International Conference on Cognitive & Intelligent Computing | Vasavi Engineering College, Hyderabad | Dec 2023, | Scopus | — |
18 | Dr.D.V.LalithaParameswari | Kidney stone prediction using CNN techniques | International Conference BVRITHON-2023 | BVRIT, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
19 | Dr.Jayashree S Patil | Translation of Patient Gesture into Telugu speech for the Care Taker using Avatar | International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing | Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | – |
20 | Mrs.D. Naga Swetha | Evaluation of Descriptive and Non- Descriptive Answer Sheets | Big Data, Virtual Reality Information and Communication Technologies | BVRIT, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
21 | Mr.T. Rajesh | Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease for Heart Patients using Ensemble Learning Models and Boosting Classifiers | Big Data, Virtual Reality ,Information and Communication Technologies | BVRIT, H yderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
22 | Mrs.V. Divya Raj | Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis using Image Processing and Deep Learning Methods. | Big Data, Virtual Reality ,Information and Communication Technologies | BVRIT, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
23 | Mrs. BhageshwariRatkal, | Enhanced Communication Among Hearing Impaired through Gestures and Facial Expression on 3D Avatar | Big Data, Virtual Reality ,Information and Communication Technologies | BVRIT, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
24 | Mrs.D.RNandadevi | Semantic enrichment of textual data through knowledge extraction | International Conference on Data Science, Machine learning & Applications | GNITS, Hyderabad | Dec 2023 | Scopus | — |
25 | Mrs.T. Swapna | Deep Learning-based Aerial Object Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | International Conference on Sustainable Communication networks and Applications, IEEE | 979-8-3503 -1397-0 | Dec 2023 | Scopus | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377070736_Deep_Learning-Based_Aerial_Object_Detection_for_Unmanned_Aerial_Vehicles |
26 | Mr.G.Nagababu | Enhancing Multi-Crop Disease Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networks: A Global Perspective | International Conference on Data Science Machine Learning & Applications | GNITS, Hyderabad | December 2023 | Scopus | — |
27 | Mrs.Ch. Mandakini, Dr. M. Seetha, G. Prathyusha, G. Charishma, G. Tharunya Varma, V. Rakshitha | Screening of Dysgraphia in Preadolescent Children using Machine Learning | 3rd International Conference on Cognitive & Intelligent Computing (ICCIC-2023) | Vasavi College of Engineering | December 2023 | Scopus | — |
28 | Mrs.Ch. Mandakini, Dr. N. Kalyani, N. Kusuma, G. Indu, K. Devi Likiithaa, M. Varshini | Screening of Dysgraphia in Children through Analysis of Handwriting | 3rd International Conference on Cognitive & Intelligent Computing (ICCIC-2023) | Vasavi College of Engineering | December 2023 | Scopus | — |
29 | Mrs.Ch. Radhika, Prranamyaaw, R. Poojitha, T. Archana,G. Sowmya | Remote Sensing Image Classification Using CNN | 3rd International Conference on Cognitive &Intelligent Computing (ICCIC-2023) | Vasavi College of Engineering | December 2023 | Scopus | — |
30 | Mrs.RPallavi Reddy, S Srikeerthi, Ch.Hema, B SnehaLatha | Enhancing Audio Synthesis with WAVEGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Approach | 3rd International Conference on Cognitive & Intelligent Computing (ICCIC-2023) | Vasavi College of Engineering | December 2023 | Scopus | — |
31 | Dr.A. Sharada | Stress Detection in Women Using Speech Analysis | Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE 2023) | https://doi.org/ 10.2991 /978-94- 6463-252-1_80 | Nov 2023 | Scopus | https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icete-23/125994126 |
32 | Mrs.R.Mamatha | Stress Detection in Women Using Speech Analysis | Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE 2023) | https://doi.org/ 10.2991 /978-94-6463 -252-1_80 | Nov 2023 | Scopus | https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icete-23/125994126 |
Academic Year |
Books/ Book Chapter | Conference Proceedings | Total | ||
Scopus | SCI/Web of Science | other | |||
2022-2023 |
79 | 12 | 14 | 47 | 152 |
S.No. | Faculty Name | Title of the paper | Title of the Conference | ISBN/Venue | Mon & Year | Index | Article Link |
1 | Dr.K. V. Raghavender | Deep neural networks for applying machine learning models in wireless networks | AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2523, Issue 1 | https://doi.org /10.1063/ 5.0110234 | January 2023 | Scopus | https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2523/1/020063/2875134/Deep-neural-networks-for-applying-machine-learning?redirectedFrom=PDF |
2 | Dr.A.Sharada | Stress Detection based on Multimodal Data in a classroom environment | 2nd International Conference on. Cybersecurity and Evolutionary Data Engineering | 978-981-99-5080-5, GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida | Sep 2023 | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-5080-5_14 |
3 | Mrs T.Swapna | Stress Detection based on Multimodal Data in a classroom environment | 2nd International Conference on. Cybersecurity and Evolutionary Data Engineering | 978-981-99-5080-5, GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida | Sep 2023 | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-5080-5_14 |
4 | Mrs.R.Pallavi Reddy | A Deep Learning technique to Recommend Music based on Facial and Speech Emotion | 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems | 978-981-99-3982-4_3, Global Knowledge Research Foundation & G R Scholastic LLP | Sep 2023 | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-3982-4_3#:~:text=The%20model%20classifies%20speech%20emotions,user%20suggests%20relevant%20musical%20selections. |
5 | Dr.A. Sharada | Stress Detection in Classroom Environment Using Physiological Data | International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Page No-161-170,Sep 2023 | https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-981 -99-1588-0_15 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_15#:~:text=The%20proposed%20technique%20for%20the,data%20collected%20from%20physiological%20sensors. |
6 | Mrs.Bhageshwari Ratkal | Stress Detection in Classroom Environment Using Physiological Data | International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Page No-161-170,Sep 2023 | https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-981 -99-1588-0_15 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_15#:~:text=The%20proposed%20technique%20for%20the,data%20collected%20from%20physiological%20sensors |
7 | Mrs.M. Lalitha | Stress Detection in Classroom Environment Using Physiological Data | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Page No-161-170,Sep 2023 | https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-981 -99-1588-0_15 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_15#:~:text=The%20proposed%20technique%20for%20the,data%20collected%20from%20physiological%20sensors |
8 | Dr.P. Sunitha Devi | Prediction of Next Words Using Sequence Generators and Deep Learning Techniques | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_16, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_16#:~:text=To%20build%20the%20main%20model,neural%20network%20modules%20that%20repeat. |
9 | Dr.K. V. Raghavender | A Deep Learning Paradigm for Classifying Personality | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_23, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_23 |
10 | Dr.N.Kalyani | G-EYE: Smartphone Compatible Portable Indirect Ophthalmoscope for Generating Quality Fundus Images | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_31, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_31#:~:text=Quality%20Fundus%20Images-,G%2DEYE%3A%20Smartphone%20Compatible%20Portable%20Indirect%20Ophthalmoscope,for%20Generating%20Quality%20Fundus%20Images |
11 | Dr.M.Seetha | G-EYE: Smartphone Compatible Portable Indirect Ophthalmoscope for Generating Quality Fundus Images | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_31, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_31#:~:text=Quality%20Fundus%20Images-,G%2DEYE%3A%20Smartphone%20Compatible%20Portable%20Indirect%20Ophthalmoscope,for%20Generating%20Quality%20Fundus%20Images |
12 | Mrs.Y. Sravani Devi | G-EYE: Smartphone Compatible Portable Indirect Ophthalmoscope for Generating Quality Fundus Images | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_31, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_31#:~:text=Quality%20Fundus%20Images-,G%2DEYE%3A%20Smartphone%20Compatible%20Portable%20Indirect%20Ophthalmoscope,for%20Generating%20Quality%20Fundus%20Images |
13 | Dr.M.Seetha | River Network Identification from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_32, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_32 |
14 | Dr.G.Malini | River Network Identification from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_32, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_32 |
15 | Dr.D. V. Lalitha Parameswari | River Network Identification from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_32, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_32 |
16 | Dr. M. Seetha | Attention-Based Approach for English to Hindi Translation | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_36, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_36 |
17 | Dr. A.Sharada | Interview Supporting System Using Facial Features | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_40, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_40 |
18 | Dr.P. Sunitha Devi | Robotic ARM for Effective Environmental Cleaning | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_48, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_48#:~:text=These%20robotic%20arms%20are%20controlled,each%20place%20to%20clean%20it. |
19 | Dr. M.Seetha | Deep Learning Model with Progressive GAN for Diabetic Retinopathy | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_53, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_53 |
20 | Dr. M.Seetha | Natural Scene Text Detection in Video with Hybrid Text Augmentation and Fusion-Transferred Learning | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_17 | September 2023 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_17 |
21 | Dr. N. Kalyani | Deep Learning Model with Progressive GAN for Diabetic Retinopathy | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_53, G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | WoS | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_53 |
22 | Mrs.V. Divya Raj | Synthesizing Realistic ARMD Fundus Images using Generative Adversarial networks (GANs) | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 Page no 587 G Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science | Sep 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_51 |
23 | Dr. A. Sharada | Smart Technology for Real-Time Evaluation of Stress Levels | 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Technology and Management | Christ the King Engineering College (CKEC), Coimbatore, India | July 2023 | Scopus | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/pdf/2024/21/e3sconf_icecs2024_02019.pdf |
24 | Mrs.G. Sandhya | Integrating Technology for Sustainable Agriculture: Enhancing Crop Productivity while Minimizing Pesticide Usage using Image Processing &IoT | 4th International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC)-2023 | 979-8-3503-0009-3, Hindustan Institute of Technology Madras (Coimbatore) Section – ED Chapter Madras Section | 2023 | Scopus | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372848791_Integrating_Technology_for_Sustainable_Agriculture_Enhancing_Crop_Productivity_while_Minimising_Pesticide_Usage_using_Image_Processing_IoT |
25 | Dr.M.Seetha | Classification of Fundus Images Captured using D-Eye Smartphone Retinal Imaging System | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Engineering Application | 978-1-6654-7709-3 | 2023 | Scopus | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10009691 |
26 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Classification of Fundus Images Captured using D-Eye Smartphone Retinal Imaging System | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Engineering Application | 978-1-6654-7709-3 | 2023 | Scopus | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10009691 |
27 | Mrs.Y.Sravani Devi | Classification of Fundus Images Captured using D-Eye Smartphone Retinal Imaging System | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Engineering Application | 978-1-6654-7709-3 | 2023 | Scopus | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10009691 |
28 | Dr.N Venkateswarulu | Early Prediction of Healthcare Diseases Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques | 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0 Venue: GNITS, Hyderabad Publisher: Springer, | Sept 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_29 |
29 | Mrs.Y.Sravani Devi | Glaucoma Retinal Image Synthesis Using the GAN | Intelligent Computing and Communication: Proceedings of ICICC. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 978-981-99-1588-0_46, Venue: GNITS, Hyderabad Publisher: Springer, | Sept 2023 | Web of Science | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_46 |
30 | Mr.N. Venkateswarulu | The Adaptive Strategies Improving Digital Twin Using IoT | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST) | November 2022 | 978-981-19- 4162-7, Springer | SCI | https://cmrtc.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Narsimha1.pdf |
31 | Dr.P. Sunitha Devi | OMSST Approach for Unit Selection from Speech Corpus for Telugu TTS | 7th International Conference On Information system design and intelligent applications INDIA-2022 | October 2022 | 978-981-19- 4990-6, Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-4990-6_28 |
32 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | A Hybrid Feature Selection for Improving Prediction Performance with a Brain Stroke Case Study | International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS 2022) | July 2022 | 978-981-19- 2211-4, Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-2211-4_33 |
33 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | A pragmatic approach for hate speech detection through applying machine learning | AIP Conference Proceedings | Vol. 2724, Issue 1, April 2023 | https://doi.org/ 10.1063/ 5.0130174 | Scopus | https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2724/1/020012/2887251/A-pragmatic-approach-for-hate-speech-detection?redirectedFrom=PDF 7 |
34 | Dr. M. Seetha | Cross-Site Scripting Recognition Using LSTM Mode | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_1 |
35 | Dr. M. Seetha | Development and Implementation of Efficient Recruitment Portal Using Blockchain | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_2 |
36 | Dr. M. Seetha | Machine Learning Classifiers Performance Comparison for Breast Cancer Detection | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_3 |
37 | Dr. M. Seetha | Comparison of Pollard’s rho Algorithm Based on Cycle Finding Methods | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_4 |
38 | Dr. M. Seetha | Smart Street Parking System for Smart Cities Based on the IoT Prototype | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_5 |
39 | Dr. M. Seetha | A Hybrid PSO-Fuzzy Trust Energy Aware DRP in Wireless Sensor Network | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_6 |
40 | Dr. M. Seetha | Online Advertising Dataset Using ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) and LR (Linear Regression Techniques) | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_7 |
41 | Dr. M. Seetha | Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning-Based Agri and Food Quality and Safety Detection System | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_8 |
42 | Dr. M. Seetha | Nucleus Segmentation Using K-Means Clustering for Analysis of Microscopy Images | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_10 |
43 | Dr. M. Seetha | A Novel Dynamic Latch Comparator Design and Analysis for ADCs | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_11 |
44 | Dr. M. Seetha | A Dual Stopband Frequency Selective Surface at 2.57 and 5.40 GHz | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_12 |
45 | Dr. M. Seetha | Post-COVID-Efficient and Reliable Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Using Random Forest and GA with KNN | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_13 |
46 | Dr. M. Seetha | Natural Scene Text Detection in Video with Hybrid Text Augmentation and Fusion-Transferred Learning | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_17 |
47 | Dr. M. Seetha | Quality-Produced Agricultural Crop Price Prediction Using Machine Learning | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_18 |
48 | Dr. M. Seetha | An Optimized Control on Delay and Transmission Rate Over Wireless Video Streaming Channels | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_19 |
49 | Dr. M. Seetha | Classifier-Free Guidance for Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_20 |
50 | Dr. M. Seetha | Art Generation Using Speech Emotions | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_24 |
51 | Dr. M. Seetha | Image Forgery Detection System Using Convolution Neural Networks | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_25 |
52 | Dr. M. Seetha | Comparative Analysis of ML Algorithms’ Application in SAPV Generation Systems | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_27 |
53 | Dr. M. Seetha | Implementing Digitalization in Square Blockchain Technology Using HDS Methodologies | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_33 |
54 | Dr. M. Seetha | Comic Character Recognition (CCR): Extraction of Speech Balloon Context and Character of Interest in Comics | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_34 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_34 |
55 | Dr. M. Seetha | COVID-19, Normal, and Pneumonia Classification Based on Deep Features Using Transfer Learning | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1588-0_35 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_35 |
56 | Dr. M. Seetha | Image Captioning for Assisting the Visually Impaired | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_38 |
57 | Dr. M. Seetha | IoMT Assisted Monitoring and Voice-Based Food Recommendation System Using Deep Learning Model | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_42 |
58 | Dr. M. Seetha | Framing of Quality Questions for Quality Code Snippets | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_43 |
59 | Dr. M. Seetha | Domestic IoT Smart Home Its Future Roles and Human Behavior Through Interaction | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_44 |
60 | Dr. M. Seetha | Comparative Analysis of Crude Oil Price Prediction Using Various Machine Learning Models | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_45 |
61 | Dr. M. Seetha | Glaucoma Retinal Image Synthesis Using the GAN | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_46 |
62 | Dr. M. Seetha | Electronic Supply Chain: A Bibliographic and Descriptive Literature Review | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_50 |
63 | Dr. M. Seetha | Interpretation and Assessment of Improved Deep Networks for the Classification of Glaucoma Using Explainable Grad-CAM Approach | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_52 |
64 | Dr. M. Seetha | Improvement of Modified Social Group Optimization (MSGO) Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_55 |
65 | Dr. M. Seetha | Facial Recognition System with Secured Dynamic Implementation and Time Restriction | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_56 |
66 | Dr. M. Seetha | A Simple Policy Update Method for the Sharing of Privatized Personal Health Information | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_58 |
67 | Dr. M. Seetha | Performance Evaluation of ML-Based AWS Security Evaluation Model for Cloud Computing | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_59 |
68 | Dr. M. Seetha | Analysis of Radiation Induced in Multiphase Flow of a Viscous Conducting Heat and Mass Transfer Fluid in a Vertical Porous Medium | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_60 |
69 | Dr. M. Seetha | Otsu-Based Differential Evolution Method for Image Segmentation | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_61 |
70 | Dr. M. Seetha | Emotion Detection Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_62 |
71 | Dr. M. Seetha | Object Detection Using Deep Learning Approaches | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_63 |
72 | Dr. M. Seetha | Telugu Tweets Sentiment Analysis Based on Ordinal Regression | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_64 |
73 | Dr. M. Seetha | Image Style Transferred to Graphical User Interfaces | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 978-981-99-1587-3 | September 2023 | DBLP | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-1588-0_65 |
S.No. | Faculty Name | Title of the Book/Book Chapter | Month & Year | ISBN | Publisher | Article Link |
1 | Mrs. Bhageshwari Ratkal | Maldeep: Detection of Malicious Code Variants | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-62-8 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-62-8 |
2 | Mrs.V.Divya Raj | Deep learning techniques for disease detection | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-61-1 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-61-1 |
3 | Mrs.J.Padmavathi | Prediction of diseases in healthcare using machine learning techniques | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-95-6 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-95-6 |
4 | Mrs.R.Mamatha | Machine learning based career guide for job seekers | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-94-9 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-94-9 |
5 | Mrs.T.Swapna | Deep learning for real time applications | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-93-2 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-93-2 |
6 | Dr.K.V.Raghavender | Plant Disease Detection using Deep learning Concepts | July 2023 | 978-93-87610-82-8 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-87610-82-8 |
7 | Mr.G.Nagababu | Computer Organization and Architecture | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-63-5 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-63-5 |
8 | Mrs.M.Anusha | Human Disease Prediction using Artificial Intelligence | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-64-2 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-64-2 |
9 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Comparison of Hybrid Approaches To Evolutionary Algorithms Using Data Clustering | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-65-9 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-65-9 |
10 | Dr.A.Sharada | SADAN – Smart Application for Dyslexia Analysis in Native Language | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-66-6 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-66-6 |
11 | Mrs.M.Lalitha | Iot Based Real Time Smart Agricultural Irrigation System Using Ml Techniques &Ibm Watson | July 2023 | 978-93-91462-67-3 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://www.vsrdpublishing.com/bk.php?p_isbn=978-93-91462-67-3 |
12 | Mrs.Y.Sravani Devi | Diabetic Retinopathi in Fundus images-An Ensemble Approach | July 2023 | 978-93-87610-97-2 | VSRD Academic Publishing | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/sravani-1.pdf |
13 | Dr.K.V.Raghavender | A Novel Technique for Effective Image Gallery Search Using Content Based Image Retrieval System | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-30-0 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/A-NOVEL-TECHNIQUE-FOR-EFFECTIVE-IMAGE-GALLERY-SEARCH-USING-CONTENT-BASED-IMAGE-RETRIEVAL-SYSTEM.pdf |
14 | Dr.K.V. Raghavender | Mobile Based Agri Shop for Farmers | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-43-0 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/MOBILE-BASED-AGRI-SHOP-FOR-FARMERS.pdf |
15 | Mrs.Ch.Radhika | Realtime Applications of Deep Learning | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-31-7 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/APPLICATIONS-OF-DL-Radhika.pdf |
16 | Dr.N.Kalyani | ASD : Screening And Supporting Tools | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-33-1 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ASD-Screening-And-Supporting-tools.pdf |
17 | Mrs.T.Rajesh | Big Data Analytics and Applications | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-34-8 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/BIG-DATA-ANALYTICS-and-applications-rajesh.pdf |
18 | Dr.Jayashree S Patil | Computer Network Trooper | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-36-2 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/CN-Jaya-and-Swetha.pdf |
19 | Mrs.T.Divya Kumari | Code Clone Detection | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-37-9 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/code-clone-detection-Divya-kumari.pdf |
20 | Mrs. T.Divya Kumari | Smart Vehicle Identification System | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-45-4 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/SMART-VEHICLE-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM-Divyakumari.pdf |
21 | Dr.M.Seetha | Particle Swarm Optimization based Image Retrieval using Relevance Feedback | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-38-6 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Content-based-Image-retrieval-using-Relavance-Feedback-Dr-M-Seetha.pdf |
22 | Dr.M.Seetha | Social Re-Ranking On Tag Based Image Retrieval | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-46-1 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/SOCIAL-RE-RANKING-ON-TAG-BASED-IMAGE-RETRIEVAL-Dr-M-Seetha.pdf |
23 | Mrs.D.NagaSwetha | Essentials of Database Management Systems A Beginner’s Methodology | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-39-3 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/DBMS-GNR-18.pdf |
25 | Mrs.Ch.Mandakini | Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Based Real-Time Applications | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-40-9 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/DL-and-NLP-Applications-Ch-Manadkini.pdf |
26 | Mrs.R.Pallavi Reddy | Enhancing Short Text Conversations and Tackling SMS Spam with DL and MLTechniques | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-41-6 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Enhancing-Short-Text-Conversations-and-Tackling-SMS-Spam-with-DL-and-MLTechniques-Pallavi.pdf |
27 | Mrs.D.R.Nanda Devi | Personalized Pathways: Job and Movie Recommendation Systems Unveiled | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-42-3 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/JOB-RECOMMENDATIONS-Book.pdf |
28 | Mrs.A.LeelaKumari | Smart Baby: Real- time Monitor System for Babies utilizing Sensors and Camers | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-44-7 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Smart-Baby-Leela.pdf |
29 | Mrs.R.Mamatha | Software Project Management for Beginners | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-47-8 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Software-Project-Management-Mamata.pdf |
30 | Dr.A.Sharada | Stress Detection Based On Multi Modal Data | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-48-5 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/STRESS-DETECTION-BASED-ON-MULTI-MODAL-DATA-Sunitha.pdf |
31 | Mrs.S.Sandhya | A Study on Similarity Join in Heterogeneous Information Network Using Path Based Algorithm | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-00-3 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/A-Study-on-Similarity-Join-in-Heterogeneous-Information-S.Sandhya.pdf |
32 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Unveiling the AI Mind: Exploring Chatbot and Surveillance System | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-05-8 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/AI-Chatbot-Dr.N.Kalyani.pdf |
33 | Dr.Jayashree S Patil | Securing Communication Paths in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Monitoring and Surveillance of Routing Algorithms | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-04-1 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Securing-Communication-Paths-in-Mobile-Ad-Hoc-Networks-Jayashree.pdf |
34 | Dr.Jayashree S Patil | Smart Energy Revolution: Transforming Agriculture with Innovative Solutions | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-06-5 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/SIEMBS-book-Jayashree-and-Swapna.pdf |
35 | Mrs.BhageshwariRatkal | Smart Home Security Solutions Based on Internet Of Things | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-07-2 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/SMART-HOME-SECURITY-SOLUTIONS-Bhagya-and-Rajesh.pdf |
36 | Dr.G.Narendrababu Reddy | Speech Recognition using Deep Learning | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-08-9 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Speech-Recognition-using-Deep-Learning.pdf |
37 | Mrs.Y.Sravani Devi | Classification Of Fundus Images Captured Using D-Eye Smartphone Retinal Imaging System | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-02-7 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Sravani-Book-Final.pdf |
38 | Mrs.T. Swapna | Augmented Realities:Enhancing Applications with AR | July 2023 | 978-81-19385-01-0 | Archers & elevators publishing house | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/T-Swapna-AR.pdf |
39 | Mrs.T.DivyaKumari | Web technologies programs | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68516-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/44.pdf |
40 | Mrs.A.LeelaKumari | It workshop | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73781-0 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73781-0 |
41 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Eavaluating Accuracy Measures for Flight Delay Predictions: Minimizing | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68685-9 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68685-9 |
42 | Mrs.BhageshwariRatkal | Virtual therapist | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68584-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68584-5 |
43 | Mrs.D.R.Nandadevi | Information representation and extraction | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68564-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68564-7 |
44 | Mrs.Jayashree S Patil | Enhancing iiot security: a credit-based consensus mechanism with block | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68555-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68555-5 |
45 | Mr.G.Nagababu | Automatic detection of genetic eye diseases in pediatric age using ml | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68571-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68571-5 |
46 | Mrs.T.Swapna | Satellite Image Analysis for Poverty Prediction | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73693-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73693-6 |
47 | Mrs.T.Swapna | Python Programming for Beginners | July 2023 | 978-620-6-18445-4 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-18445-4 |
48 | Mrs.M.Anusha | Retinal blood vessel segmentation using neural networks | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68598-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68598-2 |
49 | Mrs.V.Divya Raj | Providing security against insider attacks | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68628-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68628-6 |
50 | Mrs.V.Divya Raj | Duplicate image finder | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68599-9 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68599-9 |
51 | Mrs.B.Spandana | Dysgraphia screening among children using machine learning | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68632-3 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68632-3 |
52 | Mrs.R.Mamatha | Image based food calories estimation | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68660-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68660-6 |
53 | Jayashree S patil | Uccx based application for holiday management | July 2023 | B0C9TYJ881 | Kindle ebooks | https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0C9TYJ881?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_FNQ42DP0QXT2478YJHY4 |
54 | Mrs.K.GnanaPrasuna | Data structures using c | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68647-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/book-launch-offer/6a711de02c5ca0681a6626299ece1d20be60fd3c |
55 | Dr.M.Seetha | Securing data with stegacrypt:three-tiered approach to data protection | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68674-3 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68674-3 |
56 | Mrs.Ch.Mandakini | Detection of breast cancer –a machine learning approach | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68589-0 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68589-0 |
57 | Mrs.Y.Sravani Devi | Retinal (glaucoma) image synthesis | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73738-4 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73738-4 |
58 | Mrs.R.Pallavi Reddy | Securing the Web: Machine Learning for CSRF Vulnerability Detection | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68671-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/70.pdf |
59 | Mrs.Ch.Radhika | Characterization of situational information for covid-19 | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73737-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73737-7 |
60 | Dr.D.V.Lalitha Parameswari | Mri clinical diagnostics with image fusion technique | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68626-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68626-2 |
61 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Adaptive Traffic control system | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68686-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68686-6 |
62 | Mrs.Ch.Swathi | Spammer detection and fake user identification on social networks | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73736-0 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73736-0 |
63 | Dr.A.Sharada | Image Mosaicking:High Quality Image reconstruction | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68578-4 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68578-4 |
64 | Dr.P.Sunitha Devi | Anti theft detection in vehicles using facial recognition and iot | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68659-0 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68659-0 |
65 | Dr.K.VRaghavender | Youtube transcript summarizer | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73702-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73702-5 |
66 | Mr.T.Rajesh | Data mining techniques | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68655-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68655-2 |
67 | Mrs.M.Lalitha | Smart non-helmet bikers detection with license plate number recognition | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68585-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/79.pdf |
68 | Dr.GNarendrababu Reddy | Enhancing medical data security by image steganography | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73817-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73817-6 |
69 | Mrs.G.Nagababu | Breast cancer prediction using machine learning algorithms | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68652-1 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68652-1 |
70 | Mrs.G.Sandhya | Student performance to support decision making in university admission | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73823-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73823-7 |
71 | Mrs.G.Sandhya | Hand gesture detection and recognition building system | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73856-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73856-5 |
72 | Mr.Ch.Sudharshan Reddy | Unveiling the Green Web:Iot-based weed detection and monitoring. | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73868-8 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73868-8 |
73 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Surface crack detection | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73792-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73792-6 |
74 | Mrs.J.SriLatha | Student professional guide using machine learning | July 2023 | 978-620-6-68645-3 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-68645-3 |
75 | Mrs.D.NagaSwetha | Semantic and syntactic errors detection using nlp | July 2023 | 978-620-6-73740-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | https://www.morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/978-620-6-73740-7 |
76 | Mr.T.Anil | Computational Intelligence: AI and ML | July 2023 | 978-935-75-7183-8 | Scientific International Publishing House | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/89.pdf |
77 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Computer Vision: Applications of AI Vision and Image processing/Neonatal monitoring system using IoT and object detection | July 2023 | 9783110756722-006 | De Gruyter | https://www.flipkart.com/computational-intelligence-ai-ml/p/itma22e4cd5c58a2?pid=9789357571838&lid=LSTBOK9789357571838Y8VCFO&marketplace=FLIPKART&q=Computational+Intelligence%3A+AI+and+ML+anil+telluru&store=bks&srno=s_1_1&otracker=search&otracker1=search&fm=organic&iid=48b15535-53e4-454e-b732-1928dd1274c1.9789357571838.SEARCH&ppt=hp&ppn=homepage&ssid=jrj43m08ww0000001694757564622&qH=e616e39fa9354e13 |
78 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Cloud Analytics for Industry 4.0/Prediction of knee osteoarthritis progression using machine learning techniques | July 2023 | 9783110771572-010 | De Gruyter | https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110756722-006/html |
79 | Dr.M.Seetha | Intelligent Computing and Communication | July 2023 | 978-9-81-991588-0 | Springer | https://link.altmetric.com/details/154620942 |
Academic Year |
Book Chapter | Conference Proceedings | Total | ||
Scopus | SCI/Web of Science | other | |||
2021-2022 |
2 | 12 | 2 | — |
16 |
S. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Month &Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Name of the publisher | Index | Article Link |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | An Ensemble CNN model for Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Disease | Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (Sci-2021) | May 2022 | 978-981-16-9704-3 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-9705-0_19 |
2 | Dr.D.V.Lalitha Parameswari | Feature Selection based Supervised Learning Method for Network Intrusion Detection | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | Vol 283,pp 191–198, May 2022 | https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-981 -16-9705-0_19 | Springer | Scopus | https://www.ijrte.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i1/A1275058119.pdf |
3 | Dr.N.Kalyani | An Ensemble CNN model for Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Disease | Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (Sci-2021) | May 2022 | 978-981-16-9704-3 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-9705-0_19 |
4 | Mrs.Y.Sravani Devi | An Ensemble CNN model for Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Disease | Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (Sci-2021) | May 2022 | 978-981-16-9704-3 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-9705-0_19 |
5 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | GA-ANN Framework for Breast Cancer Classification | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering | April 2022 | 978-981-16-8542-2 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-8542-2_32 |
6 | Dr.K.Raghavender | A Machine Learning Based Approach for Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks | Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | February 2022 | 978-981-19-4830-5 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-4831-2_7 |
7 | Mrs.D.Manju | Analysis of Deep learning models for Early Action Prediction using LSTM | 3rd International conference onInventive Computation and Information Technologies | January 2022 | 978-981-16-6723-7 | Springer | Wos/Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-6723-7_65 |
8 | Dr.M.Seetha | Analysis of Deep learning models for Early Action Prediction using LSTM | 3rd International conference onInventive Computation and Information Technologies | January 2022 | 978-981-16-6723-7 | Springer | Wos/Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-6723-7_65 |
9 | Mrs.R.Mamatha | Role of Machine Learning in Software Project Management | National Conference on Intelligent Secure Smart Systems | October 2021 | 978-14-47999-04-5 | NCISS | Scopus | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012038/pdf |
10 | Mrs.R.Pallavi Reddy | Analysis of Eye Gaze Response to Predict Cognitive and Behavior Abilities of an Individual to Determine Developmental Disorder | 5th International Conference on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI-2021) | September 2021 | 978-9-8110-5544-7 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-9705-0_5 |
11 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Analysis of Eye Gaze Response to Predict Cognitive and Behavior Abilities of an Individual to Determine Developmental Disorder | 5th International Conference on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI-2021) | September 2021 | 978-9-8110-5544-7 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-9705-0_5 |
12 | Mrs.R.Pallavi Reddy | Prediction and Analysis of Vitamin D Deficiency Using Machine Learning Algorithms | 5th International Conference on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI-2021) | September 2021 | 978-9-8110-5544-7 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-9669-5_16 |
13 | Dr.M.Seetha | Chemical Plant Liquid Leakage IoTBased Monitoring | Smart Computing Techniques and Applications. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | July 2021 | 978-981-16- 0878-0_48 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-0878-0_48 |
14 | Dr.N.Kalyani | KruthVidya—Mobile App to Detect Dyslexia | Smart Computing Techniques and Applications. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | pp 441–453, July 2021 | 978-981-16- 0878-0_44 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-0878-0_44 |
15 | Dr.M.Seetha | Early Screening of Autism among Children Using Ensemble | International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking | pp. 162-169,2021 | doi: 10.1109/ ICAC3N 53548.2021. 9725586. | Springer | Scopus | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9725586 |
16 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Early Screening of Autism among Children Using Ensemble | International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking | pp. 162-169,2021 | doi: 10.1109/ICAC3N 53548 .2021.9725586. | Springer | Scopus | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9725586 |
Academic Year |
Books/ Book Chapter | Conference Proceedings | Total | ||
Scopus | SCI/Web of Science |
other |
2020-2021 |
1 | 11 | — | 9 |
21 |
S. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Month &Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Name of the publisher | Index | Link |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | Data pre-processing for learning, analysing and detecting scene text video based on rotational gradient | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | April 2021 | https://doi.org/ 10.1145/3460620. 3460621 | ACM | Scopus | https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3460620.3460621 |
2 | Dr.M.Seetha | Detection of text from video with customized Trained Anatomy | International Conference On Data science ,E-learning and information systems | April 2021 | 978-1-4503- 8838-2 | ACM | Scopus | https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3460620.3460623 |
3 | Dr.M.Seetha | Comparative Analysis of LSTM based Deep Learning Models for Abnormal Action Prediction in Surveillance Videos | International Conference On Recent Challenges In Engineering Science and Technology | April 2021 | 978-93-950596-0-7 | IFERP | — | https://cdn.iferp.in/conf-proceedings/2021/ICRCEST-2021.pdf |
4 | Mrs.D.Manju | Comparative Analysis of LSTM based Deep Learning Models for Abnormal Action Prediction in Surveillance Videos | International Conference On Recent Challenges In Engineering Science and Technology | April 2021 | 978-93-950596-0-7 | IFERP | — | https://cdn.iferp.in/conf-proceedings/2021/ICRCEST-2021.pdf |
5 | Mrs.R.Pallavi Reddy | Tool for Assessing Intellectual Quotient among children | International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems | April 2021 | 978-981-15-7078-0 | Springer | Scopus | Tool for Assessing Intellectual Quotient Among Children | SpringerLink |
6 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Tool for Assessing Intellectual Quotient among children | International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems | April 2021 | 978-981-15-7078-0 | Springer | Scopus | Tool for Assessing Intellectual Quotient Among Children | SpringerLink |
7 | Mrs. S.Sandhya | Exploiting the vulnerabilities of Traditional Captcha System and Exemplifying Smart Captcha System | International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Circuit branch Technologies and Applications | April 2021 | 978-14-50376-29-7 | Springer | Scopus | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/121.pdf |
8 | Mr.G.Nagababu | A Study on Algorithms Towards Data Security Issues in Cloud Computing Environment | International Conference on Smart Data Intelligence | April 2021 | 978-05-21463-39-3 | ICSMDI | Scopus | https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3852623 |
9 | Dr.M.Seetha | Smart City Data Generation for IOT Applications using essential Hadoop Frameworks | International Research Conference on “Embracing Change & Transformation-Breakthrough innovation & Creativity | March 2021 | 978-012-373721-2 | SUCCESS PUBLICATIONS | Scopus | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manishkumar-Patel-8/publication/354542869_Emerging_trends_of_immersive_media_in_India_-_Augmented_Reality_AR_Virtual_Reality_VR_and_Mixed_Reality_MR_case/links/6190cee207be5f31b77bf738/Emerging-trends-of-immersive-media-in-India-Augmented-Reality-AR-Virtual-Reality-VR-and-Mixed-Reality-MR-case.pdf#page=167 |
10 | Dr.N.Kalyani | A Survey on Autism Spectrum Disorder Recognition Techniques | International Conference on Robotics Design and Applications using wireless sensor networks, IoT and Artificial Intelligence | November 2020 | 978-93-89107-33-3 | IFERP | — | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/124.pdf |
11 | Dr.A.Sharada | Machine learning approach for Stress Detection using Bio Signals | Robotics Design and Applications using wireless sensor networks, IoT and Artificial Intelligence | November 2020 | 978-93-89107-33-3 | IFERP | — | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/125.pdf |
12 | Mrs.Jayashree S Patil | Credit based consensus mechanism using block chain system for providing secure Industrial Internet of Things | Robotics Design and Applications using wireless sensor networks, IoT and Artificial Intelligence | November 2020 | 978-93-89107-33-3 | IFERP | — | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/126.pdf |
13 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | Multiscale Object Detection for Remote sensing Imagery | Robotics Design and Applications using wireless sensor networks, IoT and Artificial Intelligence | November 2020 | 978-93-89107-33-3 | IFERP | — | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/127.pdf |
14 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | Performance Analysis ofn Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset using Ensemble Model | Robotics Design and Applications using wireless sensor networks, IoT and Artificial Intelligence | November 2020 | 978-93-89107-33-3 | IFERP | — | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/128.pdf |
15 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Sensile Psychosis | Robotics Design and Applications using wireless sensor networks, IoT and Artificial Intelligence | November 2020 | 978-93-89107-33-3 | IFERP | — | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/129.pdf |
16 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | A Complete Care to Shishu | Robotics Design and Applications using wireless sensor networks, IoT and Artificial Intelligence | November 2020 | 978-93-89107-33-3 | IFERP | — | https://documents.gnits.ac.in//wp-content/uploads/2023/09/130.pdf |
17 | Mrs. Bhageshwari Ratkal | Automatic reminder list to assist people with Alzehmer’s | International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics | October 2020 | 978-98-11055-44-7 | Springer | Scopus | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-0878-0_7 |
18 | Mrs.G. Varsha | Detecting fraudulent of fuel level on LED digitized display using IoT sensors | Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Open Access) | 2021 | doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1804/1/012156 | IOP Publishing | Scopus | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1804/1/012156/pdf#:~:text=This%20system%20implementation%20helps%20to,and%20after%20filling%20the%20fuel. |
19 | Mr.A.Sharat Kumar | Detecting fraudulent of fuel level on LED digitized display using IoT sensors | Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Open Access) | 2021 | doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1804/1/012156 | IOP Publishing | Scopus | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1804/1/012156/pdf#:~:text=This%20system%20implementation%20helps%20to,and%20after%20filling%20the%20fuel. |
20 | Mrs.Vasundhara Ramireddy | Detecting fraudulent of fuel level on LED digitized display using IoT sensors | Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Open Access) | 2021 | doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1804/1/012156 | IOP Publishing | Scopus | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1804/1/012156/pdf#:~:text=This%20system%20implementation%20helps%20to,and%20after%20filling%20the%20fuel. |
S. No. |
Name of the teacher | Title of the Book | Month &Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Name of the publisher |
Link |
1 | Mrs.Jayashree S Patil | Network security | August 2020 | 979-8671985436 | National, independently published, Michigan | https://www.amazon.com/NETWORK-SECURITY-Dr-Aruna-Rao/dp/B08FKPGVXX |
Book/Book Chapters/Conference Papers
Consolidated summary of Book/Book Chapters/Conference Proceedings from A.Y 2018-19 to 2023-2024 (till now)
Year |
Books | Book Chapters | Conference Proceedings |
Total |
2023 | 89 | 02 | 54 | 145 |
2022 | — | — | 44 | 44 |
2021 | — | — | 12 | 12 |
2020 | 01 | — | 09 | 10 |
2019 | — | — | 22 | 22 |
2018 | — | — | 07 | 07 |
Total | 90 | 02 | 148 | 240 |
SI. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book published | Title of the chapters published | Year of publication | ISBN number | Name of the publisher |
1 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Cross-Site Scripting Recognition Using LSTM Mode | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0-1 | Springer |
2 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Development and Implementation of Efficient Recruitment Portal Using Blockchain | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0-2 | Springer |
3 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Machine Learning Classifiers Performance Comparison for Breast Cancer Detection | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0-3 | Springer |
4 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Comparison of Pollard’s rho Algorithm Based on Cycle Finding Methods | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0-4 | Springer |
5 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Smart Street Parking System for Smart Cities Based on the IoT Prototype | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_5 | Springer |
6 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | A Hybrid PSO-Fuzzy Trust Energy Aware DRP in Wireless Sensor Network | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_6 | Springer |
7 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Online Advertising Dataset Using ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) and LR (Linear Regression Techniques) | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_7 | Springer |
8 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning-Based Agri and Food Quality and Safety Detection System | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_8 | Springer |
9 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Nucleus Segmentation Using K-Means Clustering for Analysis of Microscopy Images | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_10 | Springer |
10 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | A Novel Dynamic Latch Comparator Design and Analysis for ADCs | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_11 | Springer |
11 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | A Dual Stopband Frequency Selective Surface at 2.57 and 5.40 GHz | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_12 | Springer |
12 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Post-COVID-Efficient and Reliable Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Using Random Forest and GA with KNN | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_13 | Springer |
13 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Natural Scene Text Detection in Video with Hybrid Text Augmentation and Fusion-Transferred Learning | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_17 | Springer |
14 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Quality-Produced Agricultural Crop Price Prediction Using Machine Learning | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_18 | Springer |
15 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | An Optimized Control on Delay and Transmission Rate Over Wireless Video Streaming Channels | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_19 | Springer |
16 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Classifier-Free Guidance for Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_20 | Springer |
17 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Art Generation Using Speech Emotions | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_24 | Springer |
18 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Image Forgery Detection System Using Convolution Neural Networks | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_25 | Springer |
19 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Comparative Analysis of ML Algorithms’ Application in SAPV Generation Systems | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_27 | Springer |
20 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Implementing Digitalization in Square Blockchain Technology Using HDS Methodologies | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_33 | Springer |
21 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Comic Character Recognition (CCR): Extraction of Speech Balloon Context and Character of Interest in Comics | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_34 | Springer |
22 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | COVID-19, Normal, and Pneumonia Classification Based on Deep Features Using Transfer Learning | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_35 | Springer |
23 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Image Captioning for Assisting the Visually Impaired | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_38 | Springer |
24 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | IoMT Assisted Monitoring and Voice-Based Food Recommendation System Using Deep Learning Model | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_42 | Springer |
25 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Framing of Quality Questions for Quality Code Snippets | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_43 | Springer |
26 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Domestic IoT Smart Home Its Future Roles and Human Behavior Through Interaction | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_44 | Springer |
27 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Comparative Analysis of Crude Oil Price Prediction Using Various Machine Learning Models | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_45 | Springer |
28 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Glaucoma Retinal Image Synthesis Using the GAN | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_46 | Springer |
29 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Electronic Supply Chain: A Bibliographic and Descriptive Literature Review | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_50 | Springer |
30 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Interpretation and Assessment of Improved Deep Networks for the Classification of Glaucoma Using Explainable Grad-CAM Approach | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_52 | Springer |
31 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Improvement of Modified Social Group Optimization (MSGO) Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_55 | Springer |
32 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Facial Recognition System with Secured Dynamic Implementation and Time Restriction | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_56 | Springer |
33 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | A Simple Policy Update Method for the Sharing of Privatized Personal Health Information | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_58 | Springer |
34 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Performance Evaluation of ML-Based AWS Security Evaluation Model for Cloud Computing | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_59 | Springer |
35 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Analysis of Radiation Induced in Multiphase Flow of a Viscous Conducting Heat and Mass Transfer Fluid in a Vertical Porous Medium | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_60 | Springer |
36 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Otsu-Based Differential Evolution Method for Image Segmentation | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_61 | Springer |
37 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Emotion Detection Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_62 | Springer |
38 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Object Detection Using Deep Learning Approaches | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_63 | Springer |
39 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Telugu Tweets Sentiment Analysis Based on Ordinal Regression | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_64 | Springer |
40 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Image Style Transferred to Graphical User Interfaces | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_65 | Springer |
41 | Bhageshwari Ratkal | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Stress Detection in Classroom Environment Using Physiological Data | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_15 | Springer |
42 | P. Sunitha Devi | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Prediction of Next Words Using Sequence Generators and Deep Learning Techniques | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_16 | Springer |
43 | B. Sasidhar | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Segmentation of Lung Regions for the Detection of Juxta-Pleura Nodules in CT Scan | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_21 | Springer |
44 | K. V. Raghavender | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | A Deep Learning Paradigm for Classifying Personality | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_23 | Springer |
45 | O. Obulesu | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Early Prediction of Healthcare Diseases Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_29 | Springer |
46 | Y. Sravanidevi | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | G-EYE: Smartphone Compatible Portable Indirect Ophthalmoscope for Generating Quality Fundus Images | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_31 | Springer |
47 | D. V. Lalitha Parameswari | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | River Network Identification from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_32 | Springer |
48 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Attention-Based Approach for English to Hindi Translation | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_36 | Springer |
49 | Dr. M. Seetha | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Interview Supporting System Using Facial Features | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_40 | Springer |
50 | P. Sunitha Devi | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Robotic ARM for Effective Environmental Cleaning | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_48 | Springer |
51 | Dr. N. Kalyani | Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | Deep Learning Model with Progressive GAN for Diabetic Retinopathy | 2023 | 978-981-99-1588-0_53 | Springer |
52 | Bhageshwari Ratkal | Maldeep: Detection of Malicious Code Variants | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-62-8 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
53 | V.Divya Raj | Deep learning techniques for disease detection | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-61-1 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
54 | J.Padmavathi | Prediction of diseases in healthcare using machine learning techniques | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-95-6 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
55 | R.Mamatha | Machine learning based career guide for job seekers | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-94-9 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
56 | T.Swapna | Deep learning for real time applications | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-93-2 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
57 | Dr.K.V.Raghavender | Plant Disease Detection using Deep learning Concepts | — | 2023 | 978-93-87610-82-8 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
58 | G.Nagababu | Computer Organization and Architecture | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-63-5 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
59 | M.Anusha | Human Disease Prediction using Artificial Intelligence | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-64-2 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
60 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Comparison of Hybrid Approaches To Evolutionary Algorithms Using Data Clustering | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-65-9 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
61 | Dr.A.Sharada | SADAN – Smart Application for Dyslexia Analysis in Native Language | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-66-6 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
62 | M.Lalitha | Iot Based Real Time Smart Agricultural Irrigation System Using Ml Techniques & Ibm Watson | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-67-3 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
63 | N.Divya | Audio to Sign Language Translator Using Python and Bluetooth controlled wheelchair | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-68-0 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
64 | Dr.O.Obulesu | Machine learning and deep learning applications: Healthcare prespective | — | 2023 | 978-93-91462-69-7 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
65 | Y.Sravani Devi | Diabetic Retino pathi in Fundus images-An Ensemble Approach | — | 2023 | 978-93-87610-97-2 | VSRD Academic Publishing |
66 | Dr.K.V.Raghavender | A Novel Technique for Effective Image Gallery Search Using Content Based Image Retrieval System | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-30-0 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
67 | Dr.K.V. Raghavender | Mobile Based Agri Shop for Farmers | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-43-0 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
68 | Ch.Radhika | Realtime Applications of Deep Learning | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-31-7 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
69 | Siva Sankar Namani | Artificial Intelligence Foundations and Applications | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-32-4 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
70 | Dr.N.Kalyani | ASD : Screening And Supporting Tools | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-33-1 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
71 | T.Rajesh | Big Data Analytics and Applications | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-34-8 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
72 | T. Mallika Devi | Redundancy Management Of Multipath Routing For Intrusion Tolerance In Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-35-5 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
73 | Jayashree S Patil | Computer Network Trooper | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-36-2 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
74 | T.Divya Kumari | Code Clone Detection | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-37-9 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
75 | T.Divya Kumari | Smart Vehicle Identification System | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-45-4 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
76 | Dr.M.Seetha | Particle Swarm Optimization based Image Retrieval using Relevance Feedback | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-38-6 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
77 | Dr.M.Seetha | Social Re-Ranking On Tag Based Image Retrieval | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-46-1 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
78 | D.Naga Swetha | Essentials of Database Management Systems A Beginner’s Methodology | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-39-3 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
79 | Dr.B.Sasidhar | Early Prediction of Diseases using Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-49-2 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
80 | Ch.Mandakini | Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Based Real-Time Applications | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-40-9 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
81 | R.Pallavi Reddy | Enhancing Short Text Conversations and Tackling SMS Spam with DL and MLTechniques | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-41-6 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
82 | D.R.Nanda Devi | Personalized Pathways: Job and Movie Recommendation Systems Unveiled | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-42-3 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
83 | A.Leela Kumari | Smart Baby: Real- time Monitor System for Babies utilizing Sensors and Camers | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-44-7 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
84 | R.Mamatha | Software Project Management for Beginners | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-47-8 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
85 | Dr. A.Sharada | Stress Detection Based On Multi Modal Data | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-48-5 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
86 | S.Sandhya | A Study on Similarity Join in Heterogeneous Information Network Using Path Based Algorithm | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-00-3 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
87 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Unveiling the AI Mind: Exploring Chatbot and Surveillance System | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-05-8 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
88 | B.Amrita | Screening Of Autism Using Convolutional Neural Network | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-03-4 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
89 | Jayashree S Patil | Securing Communication Paths in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Monitoring and Surveillance of Routing Algorithms | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-04-1 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
90 | Jayashree S Patil | Smart Energy Revolution: Transforming Agriculture with Innovative Solutions | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-06-5 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
91 | Bhageshwari Ratkal | Smart Home Security Solutions Based on Internet Of Things | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-07-2 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
92 | Dr. G,Narendrababu Reddy | Speech Recognition using Deep Learning | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-08-9 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
93 | Y.Sravani Devi | Classification Of Fundus Images Captured Using D-Eye Smartphone Retinal Imaging System | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-02-7 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
94 | T. Swapna | Augmented Realities:Enhancing Applications with AR | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-01-0 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
95 | Siva Sankar Namani | Unleashing the Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Computing Paradigm | — | 2023 | 978-81-19385-09-6 | Archers & elevators publishing house |
96 | T.Divya Kumari | Web technologies programs | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68516-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
97 | A.Leela Kumari | It workshop | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73781-0 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
98 | N.Divya | Athlete’s movement enhancement using ai trainer | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68577-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
99 | G.Malini Devi | Eavaluating Accuracy Measures for Flight Delay Predictions: Minimizing | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68685-9 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
100 | Nayan rai | Cyber bullying detection system | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68658-3 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
101 | N.Divya | Various kinds of species detection using machine learning | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73811-4 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
102 | Nayan Rai | System zur erkennung von cybermobbing | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-23120-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
103 | K.Sreeveda | Exploring automated software testing tools: a practical lab guide | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73846-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
104 | Bhageshwari Ratkal | Virtual therapist | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68584-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
105 | D.R.Nanda devi | Information representation and extraction | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68564-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
106 | Jayashree S Patil | Enhancing iiot security: a credit-based consensus mechanism with block | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68555-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
107 | G.Nagababu | Automatic detection of genetic eye diseases in pediatric age using ml | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68571-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
108 | T.Swapna | Satellite Image Analysis for Poverty Prediction | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73693-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
109 | T.Swapna | Python Programming for Beginners | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-18445-4 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
110 | M.Anusha | Retinal blood vessel segmentation using neural networks | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68598-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
111 | V.Divya Raj | Providing security against insider attacks | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68628-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
112 | V.Divya Raj | Duplicate image finder | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68599-9 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
113 | B.Spandana | Dysgraphia screening among children using machine learning | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68632-3 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
114 | R.Mamatha | Image based food calories estimation | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68660-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
115 | Jayashree S patil | Uccx based application for holiday management | — | 2023 | B0C9TYJ881 | Kindle ebooks |
116 | K.Gnana Prasuna | Data structures using c | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68647-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
117 | Dr.M.Seetha | Securing data with stegacrypt:three-tiered approach to data protection | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68674-3 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
118 | Ch.Mandakini | Detection of breast cancer –a machine learning approach | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68589-0 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
119 | Y.Sravani Devi | Retinal (glaucoma) image synthesis | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73738-4 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
120 | R.Pallavi Reddy | Securing the Web: Machine Learning for CSRF Vulnerability Detection | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68671-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
121 | Ch.Radhika | Characterization of situational information for covid-19 | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73737-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
122 | D.V.Lalitha Parameswari | Mri clinical diagnostics with image fusion technique | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68626-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
123 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Adaptive Traffic control system | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68686-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
124 | Ch.Swathi | Spammer detection and fake user identification on social networks | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73736-0 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
125 | Dr.A.Sharada | Image Mosaicking:High Quality Image reconstruction | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68578-4 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
126 | P.Sunitha Devi | Anti theft detection in vehicles using facial recognition and iot | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68659-0 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
127 | Dr.K.V Raghavender | Youtube transcript summarizer | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73702-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
128 | T.Rajesh | Data mining techniques | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68655-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
129 | M.Lalitha | Smart non-helmet bikers detection with license plate number recognition | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68585-2 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
130 | Dr.G Narendrababu Reddy | Enhancing medical data security by image steganography | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73817-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
131 | G.Nagababu | Breast cancer prediction using machine learning algorithms | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68652-1 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
132 | G.Sandhya | Student performance to support decision making in university admission | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73823-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
133 | G.Sandhya | Hand gesture detection and recognition building system | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73856-5 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
134 | Ch.Sudharshan Reddy | Unveiling the Green Web:Iot-based weed detection and monitoring. | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73868-8 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
135 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Surface crack detection | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73792-6 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
136 | J.Sri Latha | Student professional guide using machine learning | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-68645-3 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
137 | D.Naga Swetha | Semantic and syntactic errors detection using nlp | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-73740-7 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
138 | Dr K.Prasanna | Association rule mining concepts and approaches | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-18360-0 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
139 | B.Amrita | R programming for beginners | — | 2023 | 978-620-6-18461-4 | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
140 | T.Anil | Computational Intelligence: AI and ML | 2023 | 978-935-75-7183-8 | Scientific International Publishing House | |
141 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Computer Vision:Applications of AI Vision and Image processing | Neonatal monitoring system using IoT and object detection | 2023 | 9783110756722-006 | De Gruyter |
142 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | Cloud Analytics for Industry 4.0 | Prediction of knee osteoarthritis progression using machine learning techniques | 2023 | 9783110771572-010 | De Gruyter |
143 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Engineering Application | Classification of Fundus Images Captured using D-Eye Smartphone Retinal Imaging System | 2023 | 978-1-6654-7709-3 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
144 | Dr.N.Kalyani | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Engineering Application | Classification of Fundus Images Captured using D-Eye Smartphone Retinal Imaging System | 2023 | 978-1-6654-7709-3 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
145 | Y.Sravani Devi | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Engineering Application | Classification of Fundus Images Captured using D-Eye Smartphone Retinal Imaging System | 2023 | 978-1-6654-7709-3 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
SI. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book published | Title of the chapters published | Year of publication | ISBN number | Name of the publisher |
1 | K.Sreeveda | IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference (NKCon), 2022 | Prediction and Prognosis of Diabetes using Logistic Regression | 2022 | 978-1-6654-5342-4 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
2 | C.Bhagyashree | IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference (NKCon), 2022 | Prediction and Prognosis of Diabetes using Logistic Regression | 2022 | 978-1-6654-5342-4 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
3 | N.Venkateswarulu | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST) | The Adaptive Strategies Improving Digital Twin Using IoT | 2022 | 978-981-19-4162-7 | Springer |
4 | Dr.O.Obulesu | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST) | The Adaptive Strategies Improving Digital Twin Using IoT | 2022 | 978-981-19-4162-7 | Springer |
5 | Dr.O.Obulesu | Internet of Things A Design based approach | — | 2022 | 978-620-5-49371-7 | Lambert |
6 | P.Sunitha Devi | 7th International Conference On Information system design and intelligent applications INDIA-2022 | OMSST Approach for Unit Selection from Speech Corpus for Telugu TTS | 2022 | 978-981-19-4990-6 | Springer |
7 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS 2022) | A Hybrid Feature Selection for improving prediction performance with a Brain Stroke Case Study | 2022 | 978-981-19-2211-4 | Springer |
8 | Dr.M.Seetha | Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (Sci-2021) | An Ensemble CNN model for Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Disease | 2022 | 978-981-16-9704-3 | Springer |
9 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (Sci-2021) | An Ensemble CNN model for Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Disease | 2022 | 978-981-16-9704-3 | Springer |
10 | Y.Sravani Devi | Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (Sci-2021) | An Ensemble CNN model for Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Disease | 2022 | 978-981-16-9704-3 | Springer |
11 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering | GA-ANN Framework for Breast Cancer Classification Using NSGA-II | 2022 | 978-981-16-8542-2 | Springer |
12 | N.Divya | International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems(ICSCDS) | Industrial wireless sensor network integration with cloud environment USING ipv6 Routing | 2022 | 10.1109/ICSCDS53736.2022.9760920 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
13 | N.Divya | International Conference On Computer Communication And Informatics | Analysis on the Prediction of Sales using Various Machine Learning Testing Algorithms | 2022 | 978-1-6654-8035-2 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
14 | D.Manju | 3rd International conference onInventive Computation and Information Technologies | Analysis of Deep learning models for Early Action Prediction using LSTM | 2022 | 978-981-16-6723-7 | Springer |
15 | Dr.M.Seetha | 3rd International conference onInventive Computation and Information Technologies | Analysis of Deep learning models for Early Action Prediction using LSTM | 2022 | 978-981-16-6723-7 | Springer |
16 | Dr.K.V.Raghavender | Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | A Machine Learning Based Approach for Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks | 2022 | 978-981-19-4830-5 | Springer |
17 | Dr.A.Sharada | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Stress Detection in Classroom Environment using Physiological Data | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_15 | Springer |
18 | Bhageshwari Ratkal | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Stress Detection in Classroom Environment using Physiological Data | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_15 | Springer |
19 | M.Lalitha | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Stress Detection in Classroom Environment using Physiological Data | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_15 | Springer |
20 | Y.Sravani Devi | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Glaucoma Retinal Image Synthesis Using the GAN | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_46 | Springer |
21 | T.Divya Kumari | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Framing of quality questions for quality code snippets | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_43 | Springer |
22 | P.Sunitha Devi | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Robotic Arm for Effective Environmental Cleaning | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_48 | Springer |
23 | Ch.Mandakini | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Robotic Arm for Effective Environmental Cleaning | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_48 | Springer |
24 | R.Pallavi Reddy | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Robotic Arm for Effective Environmental Cleaning | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_48 | Springer |
25 | B.Spandana | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | A Hybrid PSO-FUZZY Trust Energy Aware DRP in Wireless Sensor Network | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_6 | Springer |
26 | Dr.O.Obulesu | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Early Prediction of Healthcare Diseases Using Machine Learning Techniques | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_29 | Springer |
27 | N.Venkateswarulu | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Early Prediction of Healthcare Diseases Using Machine Learning Techniques | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_29 | Springer |
28 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | G-Eye: Smartphone Compatible Portable Indirect Ophthalmoscope for Generating Quality Fundus Images | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_31 | Springer |
29 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | River Network Identification from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_32 | Springer |
30 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Natural Scene Text Detection in Video with Hybrid Text Augmentation and Fusion-Transferred Learning | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_17 | Springer |
31 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Attention-Based Approach for English to Hindi Translation | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_36 | Springer |
32 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Deep Learning Model with Progressive GAN for Diabetic Retinopathy | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_53 | Springer |
33 | Dr.N.Kalyani | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | G-Eye: Smartphone Compatible Portable Indirect Ophthalmoscope for Generating Quality Fundus Images | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_31 | Springer |
34 | Dr.A.Sharada | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Interview Supporting System Using Facial Features | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_40 | Springer |
35 | Dr.B.Sasidhar | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Segmentation of Lung Regions for the Detection of Juxta-Pleura Nodules in CT Scan | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_21 | Springer |
36 | B.Spandana | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | A Hybrid PSO-Fuzzy Trust Energy Aware DRP in Wireless Sensor Network | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_6 | Springer |
37 | G.Roja | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | A Hybrid PSO-Fuzzy Trust Energy Aware DRP in Wireless Sensor Network | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_6 | Springer |
38 | P.Sunitha Devi | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Prediction of Next Words Using Sequence Generators and Deep Learning Techniques | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_16 | Springer |
39 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | River Network Identification from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_32 | Springer |
40 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | River Network Identification from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_32 | Springer |
41 | Y.Sravani Devi | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | G-Eye: Smartphone Compatible Portable Indirect Ophthalmoscope for Generating Quality Fundus Images | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_31 | Springer |
42 | V.Divya Raj | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Synthesizing Realistic Armd Fundus Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks (Gans) | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_51 | Springer |
43 | Dr.K.V.Raghavender | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | Personality Classification from Text using Deep Learning Technique | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0 | Springer |
44 | Dr.K.V.Raghavender | International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication | A Deep Learning Paradigm for Classifying Personality | 2022 | 978-981-99-1588-0_23 | Springer |
SI. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book published | Title of the chapters published | Year of publication | ISBN number | Name of the publisher |
1 | R.Mamatha | National Conference on Intelligent Secure Smart Systems | Role of Machine Learning in Software Project Management | 2021 | 978-14-47999-04-5 | National Council of Investigation & Security Services |
2 | R.Pallavi Reddy | 5th International Conference on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI-2021) | Analysis of Eye Gaze Response to Predict Cognitive and Behavior Abilities of an Individual to Determine Developmental Disorders | 2021 | 978-9-8110-5544-7 | Springer |
3 | R.Pallavi Reddy | 5th International Conference on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI-2021) | Prediction and Analysis of Vitamin D Deficiency Using Machine Learning Algorithms | 2021 | 978-9-8110-5544-7 | Springer |
4 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Conference On Data science ,E-learning and information systems | Detection of text from video with customized Trained Anatomy | 2021 | 978-1-4503-8838-2 | Association for Computing Machinery |
5 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Conference On Data science ,E-learning and information systems | Data Preprocessing for Learning, Analyzing and Detecting Scene Text Video based on Rotational Gradient | 2021 | 978-1-4503-8838-3 | Association for Computing Machinery |
6 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Conference On Recent Challenges In Engineering Science and Technology | Comparative Analysis of LSTM based Deep Learning Models for Abnormal Action Prediction in Surveillance Videos | 2021 | 978-93-90214-20-4 | Institute for Engineering Research and. Publication |
7 | D.Manju | International Conference On Recent Challenges In Engineering Science and Technology | Comparative Analysis of LSTM based Deep Learning Models for Abnormal Action Prediction in Surveillance Videos | 2021 | 978-93-90214-20-4 | Institute for Engineering Research and. Publication |
8 | R.Pallavi Reddy | International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems | Tool for Assessing Intellectual Quotient among children | 2021 | 978-981-15-7078-0 | Springer |
9 | Dr.N.Kalyani | International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems | Tool for Assessing Intellectual Quotient among children | 2021 | 978-981-15-7078-0 | Springer |
10 | S.Sandhya | International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Circuit branch Technologies and Applications | Captcha Breaking and Smart Captcha | 2021 | 978-14-50376-29-7 | Springer |
11 | G.Nagababu | International Conference on Smart Data Intelligence | A Study on Algorithms Towards Data Security Issues in Cloud Computing Environment | 2021 | 978-05-21463-39-3 | International Conference on Smart Data Intelligence |
12 | Dr.M.Seetha | International Research Conference on “Embracing Change & Transformation-Breakthrough innovation & Creativity | Smart City Data Generation for IOT Applications using essential Hadoop Frameworks | 2021 | 978-012-373721-2 | Success Publications |
Web of Science |
S.No | Faculty Name | Designation | Web of Science ID | Total Citations | Total Docs | Web of Science h index |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | Dean R&D,Prof. | W-8657-2019 | 80 | 33 | 6 |
2 | Dr.K.Prasanna | Assoc.Prof, | AAU-5671-2021 | 19 | 6 | 3 |
3 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Dean &Prof. | AAC-7304-2019 | 6 | 5 | 2 |
4 | Dr. G. Narendrababu Reddy | Asst.Prof. | AHI-7352-2022 | 6 | 4 | 1 |
5 | Dr. D.V. Lalita Parameswari | Assoc.Prof. | HNJ-2226-2023 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
6 | Mrs. Y. Sravani Devi | Asst.Prof. | AAC-2046-2022 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
7 | Mrs. R. Pallavi Reddy | Asst.Prof. | GQI-2473-2022 | 2 | 4 | 1 |
8 | Dr. G. Malini Devi | Assoc.Prof. | AAE-3037-2021 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
9 | Mr. N. Venkateswarulu | Asst.Prof. | ABL-7148-2022 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
10 | Dr.A.Sharada | HoD & Prof. | AAE-4997-2021 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
11 | Mrs. Jayashree S Patil | Assoc.Prof. | HVL-2621-2023 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | Dr. Raghavender K.V. | Asst.Prof. | HNC-2581-2023 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | Dr. P. Sunitha Devi | Asst.Prof. | HTL-3476-2023 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | Mrs. Ch. Radhika | Asst.Prof. | HSI-1103-2023 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
S.No | Faculty Name | Designation | Scopus ID | Total Citations | Total Publications | Scopus h index |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | Dean R&D,Prof. | 54795736200 | 162 | 51 | 6 |
2 | Dr. O Obulesu | Assoc.Prof. | 37091354800 | 76 | 11 | 4 |
3 | Dr.K.Prasanna | Assoc.Prof. | 57074118700 | 41 | 15 | 4 |
4 | Dr. G. Narendrababu Reddy | Asst.Prof. | 57198791442 | 37 | 9 | 4 |
5 | Dr. D.V. Lalita Parameswari | Assoc.Prof. | 57233818100 | 27 | 11 | 4 |
6 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Dean &Prof. | 35423875300 | 25 | 13 | 3 |
7 | Mrs. K. Sreeveda | Asst.Prof. | 58196856000 | 19 | 2 | 1 |
8 | Dr. Raghavender K.V. | Asst.Prof. | 57444645100 | 14 | 5 | 3 |
9 | Mrs. J. Padmavathi | Asst.Prof. | 57191035152 | 12 | 1 | 1 |
10 | Mrs. Y. Sravani Devi | Asst.Prof. | 57200203680 | 11 | 4 | 3 |
11 | Mrs. G. Roja | Asst.Prof. | 57204548684 | 9 | 6 | 2 |
12 | Mr. G. Nagababu | Asst.Prof. | 57211470275 | 8 | 4 | 2 |
13 | Mr. T. Rajesh | Asst.Prof. | 57211811034 | 5 | 2 | 1 |
14 | Mrs. N Divya | Asst.Prof. | 57202743412 | 4 | 5 | 1 |
15 | Dr. G. Malini Devi | Assoc.Prof. | 57163854900 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
16 | Mrs. R. Pallavi Reddy | Asst.Prof. | 57190184148 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
17 | Mr. N. Venkateswarulu | Asst.Prof. | 57982735300 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
18 | Dr.A.Sharada | HoD & Prof. | 36096065900 | 2 | 8 | 1 |
19 | Mrs. Jayashree S Patil | Assoc.Prof. | 57192376163 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
20 | Mrs. R. Mamatha | Asst.Prof. | 57343135100 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
21 | Mrs. Ch. Swathi | Asst.Prof. | 57940445300 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
22 | Dr. P. Sunitha Devi | Asst.Prof. | 57351954700 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
23 | Mrs. D. Naga Swetha | Asst.Prof. | 57210165664 | 1 | 3 | 1 |
24 | Mrs. T. Divya Kumari | Asst.Prof. | 57910002900 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
25 | Mrs. B. Amrita | Asst.Prof. | 57547499600 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Google Scholar
S.No | Faculty Name | Designation | Google Scholar ID | Total Citations (As of Now) | Google scholar h index | Google scholar i10 index |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | Dean R&D,Prof. | _iolxTAAAAAJ | 623 | 13 | 22 |
2 | Dr. O Obulesu | Assoc.Prof. | bR5thlQAAAAJ | 180 | 6 | 3 |
3 | Dr.K.Prasanna | Assoc.Prof. | oijtxKUAAAAJ | 102 | 8 | 7 |
4 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Dean &Prof. | 9u6X-nMAAAAJ | 92 | 6 | 4 |
5 | Dr. G. Narendrababu Reddy | Asst.Prof. | mQpeiBwAAAAJ | 80 | 5 | 3 |
6 | Dr. Raghavender K.V. | Asst.Prof. | kByrICwAAAAJ | 48 | 4 | 2 |
7 | Dr. G. Malini Devi | Assoc.Prof. | hjXROM4AAAAJ | 34 | 3 | 1 |
8 | Dr.A.Sharada | HoD & Prof. | X86ySUQAAAAJ | 31 | 3 | 1 |
9 | Mrs. K. Sreeveda | Asst.Prof. | gAekKacAAAAJ | 29 | 2 | 1 |
10 | Dr. B. Sasidhar | Asst.Prof. | F0EjeaEAAAAJ | 27 | 3 | 1 |
11 | Mrs. Y. Sravani Devi | Asst.Prof. | tY-A5GkAAAAJ | 26 | 3 | 0 |
12 | Dr. P. Sunitha Devi | Asst.Prof. | t8Nb-iMAAAAJ | 17 | 3 | 9 |
13 | Mrs. R. Pallavi Reddy | Asst.Prof. | yRwSgmkAAAAJ | 14 | 2 | 0 |
14 | Mr. G. Nagababu | Asst.Prof. | pLqlJdgAAAAJ | 11 | 2 | 0 |
15 | Mrs. Ch. Radhika | Asst.Prof. | lE429MYAAAAJ | 9 | 2 | 0 |
16 | Dr. D.V. Lalita Parameswari | Assoc.Prof. | Xti8w40AAAAJ | 7 | 2 | 0 |
17 | Mr. N. Venkateswarulu | Asst.Prof. | R4siu-0AAAAJ | 7 | 1 | 0 |
18 | Mr. T. Rajesh | Asst.Prof. | hhpQN1MAAAAJ | 5 | 1 | 0 |
19 | Mrs. R. Mamatha | Asst.Prof. | j425z-8AAAAJ | 4 | 1 | 0 |
20 | Dr. Jayashree S Patil | Assoc.Prof. | smCaarYAAAAJ | 3 | 3 | 0 |
21 | Mrs. Bhageshwari Ratkal | Asst.Prof. | PzhbRKkAAAAJ&hl | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Projects : Sanctioned / Applied
List of Funding Projects Granted:
S.No. |
Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator | Name of the Funding agency | Title of the Sponsored Project | Funds provided | Month & Year of Receiving the grant | Duration of the project |
Type & Status |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | All India Council for Technical Education,Grant for Organizing Conference,New Delhi | 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 1,83,350/- | July 2022 | 6 Months | Government Completed |
2 | Dr.O.Obulesu | All India Council for Technical Education,Grant for Organizing Conference,New Delhi | 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication | 1,83,350/- | July 2022 | 6 Months | Government Completed |
3 | K.Prasanna | — | Hybrid Colossal Pattern mining for discovering intrinsic pattern sequences from high dimensional data | 0/- | June 2022 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
4 | Dr.M.Seetha | Department of. Science and Technology,The Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development ivision,Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly(DST-SEED (TIDE)), New Delhi | Low Cost Mechanism for Early Detection of Eye Diseases (Glaucoma) in Elderly | 7,40,082/- | Mar 2022 | 3 Years | Government On going |
5 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Department of. Science and Technology,The Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development Division,Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly(DST-SEED (TIDE)),New Delhi | Low Cost Mechanism for Early Detection of Eye Diseases (Glaucoma) in Elderly | 7,40,082/- | Mar 2022 | 3 Years | Government On going |
6 | Mrs.Y.Sravani Devi | Department of. Science and Technology,The Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development Division,Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly(DST-SEED (TIDE)),New Delhi | Low Cost Mechanism for Early Detection of Eye Diseases (Glaucoma) in Elderly | 7,40,082/- | Mar 2022 | 3 Years | Government On going |
7 | Dr.D V lalitha Parameswari | Department of. Science and Technology,The Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development Division,Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly(DST-SEED (TIDE)),New Delhi | Low Cost Mechanism for Early Detection of Eye Diseases (Glaucoma) in Elderly | 7,40,082/- | Mar 2022 | 3 Years | Government On going |
8 | Mrs.T.Swapna | Department of. Science and Technology,The Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development Division,Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly(DST-SEED (TIDE)),New Delhi | Low Cost Mechanism for Early Detection of Eye Diseases (Glaucoma) in Elderly | 7,40,082/- | Mar 2022 | 3 Years | Government On going |
9 | Dr.A.Sharada | Electronics & ICT Academy, National Institute of Technology, Warangal | Predictive Analytics and Business Intelligence | 55,000/- | Dec 2021 | 3 Months | Government Completed |
10 | Mrs.Nanda Devi D.R | Electronics & ICT Academy, National Institute of Technology, Warangal | Predictive Analytics and Business Intelligence | 55,000/- | Dec 2021 | 3 Months | Government Completed |
11 | Dr. O Obulesu | — | A Novel Framework to Detect A Multimodal Fake Content on Social Media Through ML and DL Techniques | 0.00000 | Nov 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government |
12 | N.Venkateswarlu | — | A Novel Framework to Detect A Multimodal Fake Content on Social Media Through ML and DL Techniques | 0.00000 | Nov 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government |
13 | Dr.M.Seetha | Department of Science & Technology,Device Development Programme,New Delhi | Portable Retinal Imaging Device for Early Detection of Eye Disease | 5,28,577/- | Oct 2021 | 2 Years | Government On going |
14 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Department of Science & Technology,Device Development Programme,New Delhi | Portable Retinal Imaging Device for Early Detection of Eye Disease | 5,28,577/- | Oct 2021 | 2 Years | Government On going |
15 | Mrs.Y.Sravani Devi | Department of Science & Technology,Device Development Programme,New Delhi | Portable Retinal Imaging Device for Early Detection of Eye Disease | 5,28,577/- | Oct 2021 | 2 Years | Government On going |
16 | Mrs.V. Divya Raj | Department of Science & Technology,Device Development Programme,New Delhi | Portable Retinal Imaging Device for Early Detection of Eye Disease | 5,28,577/- | Oct 2021 | 2 Years | Government On going |
17 | Dr. N. Kalyani | Electronics & ICT Academy, National Institute of Technology, Warangal | Deep Learning and AI Applications | 55,000/- | Oct 2021 | 3 Months | Government Completed |
18 | Mrs. Y. Sravani Devi | Electronics & ICT Academy, National Institute of Technology, Warangal | Deep Learning and AI Applications | 55,000/- | Oct 2021 | 3 Months | Government Completed |
19 | Dr. Sasidhar B | — | Health System Automation using Cloud | 0/- | Jan 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
20 | K.Sneha Reddy | — | Health System Automation using Cloud | 0/- | Jan 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
21 | Dr. Sasidhar B | — | Computation Aware Workflow Allocation approach for edge computing over CPS | 0/- | Jan 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
22 | Mrs.P.Keerthi Chandrika | — | Computation Aware Workflow Allocation approach for edge computing over CPS | 0/- | Jan 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
23 | Dr.M.Seetha | — | Development of Data Analytical Framework for Effective Asset Management of Geo-Spatial data using Machine learning | 0/- | Jan 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
24 | Mrs.M.Lalitha | — | Development of Data Analytical Framework for Effective Asset Management of Geo-Spatial data using Machine learning | 0/- | Jan 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
25 | Dr.M.Seetha | — | Livestock Monitoring Based on IoT Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Animal’s Behavioural Classification in Real-Time Manner | 0/- | Jan 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
26 | Mrs.Vasundhara RamiReddy | — | Livestock Monitoring Based on IoT Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Animal’s Behavioral Classification in Real-Time Manner | 0/- | Jan 2021 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
27 | Dr.D V lalitha Parameswari | Automatic early detection of Eye Diseases using Machine learning techniques | Aravind Eye Hospital,Hyderabad | 5,000/- | Aug 2020 | 4 Months | Non Government Completed |
28 | Mrs.V. Divya Raj | Automatic early detection of Eye Diseases using Machine learning techniques | Aravind Eye Hospital,Hyderabad | 5,000/- | Aug 2020 | 4 Months | Non Government Completed |
29 | Dr.N.Kalyani | — | An Efficient Summarization of Citation Based Research Articles using Machine Learning | 0/- | Aug 2020 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
30 | Mrs.R.Pallavi Reddy | — | Design and Develop a Deep Learning Model towards Screening of Abnormalities in Speech among Pre-adolescence | 0/- | Aug 2020 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
31 | Dr.N.Kalyani | — | Early Stage Disease Detection of Staple Food Crops Using Machine Learning | 0/- | Aug 2020 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
32 | Mrs.Ch.Mandakini | — | A Novel Approach for the Evaluation of fine motor skills in children through Handwriting Analysis using Machine Learning | 0/- | Aug 2020 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
33 | Dr.A.Sharada | — | Optimizing Resource Allocation for The Effective Project Management Using Deep Learning Techniques | 0/- | Aug 2020 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
34 | Mrs.R.Mamatha | — | Optimizing Resource Allocation for The Effective Project Management Using Deep Learning Techniques | 0/- | Aug 2020 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
35 | Dr.A.Sharada | — | Efficient Resource Offloading in Multi-Access Edge Computing | 0/- | Aug 2020 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
36 | Mrs.G.Varsha | — | Efficient Resource Offloading in Multi-Access Edge Computing | 0/- | Aug 2020 | 3 Years | Non Government On going |
37 | Dr.M.Seetha | AICTE – AQIS Modernisation and Removal Of Obsolescence (MODROBS),New Delhi. | Modernization of Labs to Support Research in Artificial Intelligence | 7,17,647/- | July 2020 | 2 Years | Government Completed |
38 | Dr.M.Seetha | BrighTex Bio-Photonics , Hyderabad | Automatic early detection of Eye Diseases using Machine learning techniques | 4,50,000/- | Mar 2019 | 2 Years | Non Government Completed |
39 | Dr.A.Sharada | BrighTex Bio-Photonics , Hyderabad | Stress detection using facial expressions | 4,00,000/- | Mar 2019 | 2 Years | Non Government Completed |
40 | Dr.M.Seetha | All India Council for Technical Education – Quality Improvement Scheme-Modernisation and Removal Of Obsolescence (MODROBS) ,New Delhi. | Modernization of Labs to Support Research in IoT | 2,65,000/- | Nov 2017 | 2 Years | Government Completed |
41 | Dr.M.Seetha | All India Council for Technical Education-Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY),New Delhi. | Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) | 5,08,334/- | Nov 2017 | 1 Year | Government Completed |
Assessment Year | Total amount Sanctioned in Rs. |
2023-2024 | Rs.2,00,000/- |
2022-2023 | Rs. 4,85,000/- |
2021-2022 | Rs. 4,83,677/- |
2020-2021 | Rs. 5,46,834/- |
Total | Rs. 17,15,511/- |
IPR- Consolidated List
Year |
2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 |
2018-19 |
Published |
21 | 02 | 08 | 02 | 02 | 01 |
Granted |
– | – | 01 | 01 | – |
– |
S.No. | Name of the faculty | University details | Area of specialization | Year of award |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | JNTUH | Image Processing, AI/ML, Data Mining, IOT | 2007 |
2 | Dr.N.Kalyani | JNTUH | Speech and NLP,AI/ML | 2012 |
3 | Dr.A.Sharada | JNTUH | Speech & NLP, AI & ML | 2015 |
4 | Dr.D.V. Lalita Parameswari | JNTUH | Image Processing, Data Mining | 2017 |
5 | Dr. G. Malini Devi | JNTUH | Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence | 2017 |
6 | Dr.G.Narendra babu Reddy | GITAM, Hyderabad | Cloud Computing | 2021 |
7 | Dr Raghavender K V | OU | Information Security, Cyber Security | 2020 |
8 | Dr.P.Sunitha Devi | JNTUH | Natural Language Processing | 2023 |
S.No. | Name of the faculty | University details | Area of specialization | Year of award | Still Working in the college |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | JNTUH | Image Processing, AI/ML, Data Mining, IOT | 2007 | Yes |
2 | Dr.K.Venugopal Rao | OU | Network Security, Software Engineering | 2008 | No(2021) |
3 | Dr.N.Kalyani | JNTUH | Speech and NLP,AI/ML | 2012 | Yes |
4 | Dr.A.Sharada | JNTUH | Speech & NLP, AI & ML | 2015 | Yes |
5 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | JNTUH | Image Processing, Data Mining | 2017 | Yes |
6 | Dr.G.Malini Devi | JNTUH | Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence | 2017 | Yes |
7 | Dr.G.Narendra babu Reddy | GITAM, Hyderabad | Cloud Computing | 2021 | Yes |
8 | Dr.P.Sunitha Devi | JNTUH | Natural Language Processing | 2023 | Yes |
9 | Dr.D.Manju | JNTUH | Deep learning, Video Processing | 2023 | No (2023) |
10 | Dr.P.Sunitha Devi | JNTUH | Natural Language Processing | 2023 | Yes |
11 | Dr.N.Anusha | Satyabhama University | Satellite image processing | 2021 | No(2021) |
S.No. | Name of the faculty | Recognized University details | Area of specialization | Year of recognition | Number of scholar pursuing/Awarded |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | JNUTH & KLU | Image Processing, AI/ML, Data Mining, IOT | 2010 | Awarded-13 Pursuing-3 |
2 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | JNUTH | Network Security, Software Engineering | 2009 | Awarded-10 Pursuing-3 |
3 | Dr.N.Kalyani | JNUTH & KLU | Speech and NLP,AI/ML | 2016 | Pursuing-3 |
4 | Dr.A.Sharada | KLU | Speech and NLP,AI/ML | 2022 | Pursuing-2 |
5 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | KLU | Image Processing, Data Mining | 2022 | Pursuing-1 |
S . NO | Name of the faculty | Name of the Scholar | University / College | Status (Degree awarded / Pursuing) | Year of Award of degree/year of registration for pursuing candidates | Area of specialization |
1 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mrs.M.Lalitha | KLU | Pursuing | 2021 | Machin Learning |
2 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mrs.S.Vasundhara Ramireddy | KLU | Pursuing | 2021 | Machin Learning |
3 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mrs.D.NagaVasundhara | JNTUH | Awarded | 2021 | Data mining |
4 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mrs.J.Sudha Rani | JNTUH | Awarded | 2021 | MANETs |
5 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mr.N. Papanna | JNTUH | Awarded | 2021 | MANETs |
6 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mrs.D.V. LalithaParameshwari | JNTUH | Awarded | 2018 | Image Processing and Data Mining |
7 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mr.G.P.Hedge | VTU | Awarded | 2018 | Machine Learning |
8 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mrs. G. Malini Devi | JNTUH | Awarded | 2017 | Data mining |
9 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mrs.K.SirinBhanu | JNTUH | Awarded | 2017 | Mobile Adhoc Networks |
10 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mr.D. Srinivasa Rao | JNTUH | Awarded | 2017 | Image Processing |
11 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mr. K. Prasanna | JNTUH | Awarded | 2016 | Data mining |
12 | Dr M.Seetha | M.Madhu Bala | JNTUH | Awarded | 2014 | Image Mining |
13 | Dr.M.Seetha | K. Manasa Devi | JNTUH | Awarded | 2023 | Machin Learning |
14 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mrs D. Manju | JNTUH | Awarded | 2023 | Video Processing |
15 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mr. M. Sridhar | JNTUH | Pursuing | 2010 | Web Mining |
16 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mrs. V. SeshaBhargavi | JNTUH | Awarded | 2022 | MANETs |
17 | Dr.M.Seetha | Mr. Mr.Gururaj H S | JNTUH | Pursuing | 2008 | Wireless Communication |
18 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Mr.T.VenkataRamana | JNTUH | Awarded | 2021 | Network Security |
19 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Dr K. Munivara Prasad | JNTUH | Awarded | 2021 | Network Security |
20 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Mr.K. Venkataramana | JNTUH | Awarded | 2021 | Software Engineering |
21 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Dr . Ch. Ramesh | JNTUH | Awarded | 2020 | Network Security |
22 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Dr.DurgaBhavani | JNTUH | Awarded | 2020 | Data Mining |
23 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Dr.G.Balakrishna | JNTUH | Awarded | 2019 | Network Security |
24 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Dr .K.Prabhakar | JNTUA | Awarded | 2019 | Software Engineering |
25 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Dr.Ch. Anitha | JNTUH | Awarded | 2018 | Computer Network |
26 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Dr.S. Ramacharan | JNTUH | Awarded | 2017 | Software Engineering |
27 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Dr.Munishekar | JNTUH | Awarded | 2017 | Network Security |
28 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Dr.D. Pramod Krishna | JNTUH | Pursuing | 2012 | Network Security |
29 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Mr. C. Sudhakar Reddy | JNTUH | Pursuing | 2011 | Data Mining |
30 | Dr.K.Venu Gopala Rao | Mr.T.Rajesh | JNTUH | Pursuing | 2011 | Data Mining |
31 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Mrs.Ch.Mandakini | KLU | Pursuing | 2021 | NLP |
32 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Mrs.R.Pallavi Reddy | KLU | Pursuing | 2021 | NLP |
33 | Dr.N.Kalyani | Mrs.T.Vandana | JNTUH | Pursuing | 2016 | NLP |
34 | Dr.A.Sharada | Mrs.R.Mamatha | KLU | Pursuing | 2021 | Software Engineering and Deep Learning |
35 | Dr.A.Sharada | Mrs.G.Varsha | KLU | Pursuing | 2021 | Software Engineering |
36 | Dr.D.V.Lalita Parameswari | Mrs.B.Indu Priya | KLU | Pursuing | 2021 | Image Processing |
Hour of Medhomadhan
GNITS has been wide spreading research in various fields. The college established various research centers to cater to the needs of research activities of faculty and students. College has Institutional membership with various professional bodies like ISTE, IEI, CSI, IEEE and IETE. Our Management encourages and provide funds for research activities done by both faculty and students, in order to foster a spirit of investigation and analysis.
Hour of Medhomadhan is an initiative of CSE Department, provides a platform for faculty to share their knowledge and explore new technology used for research. Based on faculty areas of interest and their research, teams were formed like IoT, Cloud Computing, CN & Cyber Security, Big Data & Data Science, AI & ML and NLP & Data Mining. Every Saturday during Hour of Medhomadhan, faculties actively participate in discussion of proposal preparation/ challenges in various domains of research and way to address these issues. Members explore technology developments presented in reputed publications, seminars and conferences worldwide and present their findings in respective areas of specialization.