- Vision-Mission-POs
- Programs Offered
- HOD Profile
- Staff Profile
- Infrastructure
- Board of Studies
- Curriculum Feedback
- Department Advisory Committee
- Department Activities
- Faculty Achievements
- Students Achievements
- Research Centers
- MoU's
- Internships/Field Visits
- Professional Socities
- Student Magazines & Best Projects
- Research Guidance
- Summary of Internships/Field Projects
To create a first-class academic department that trains the students as data scientists and AI&ML Engineers to solve the real-time challenges and innovate through world-class research to take advantage of better opportunities.
Delivering Curriculum effectively with better Teaching Methodologies
Implementation of Student- Centric Learning & Research based Teaching
Collaborative & Interdisciplinary Research by establishing a Centre-of-Excellence on Data Science, AI&ML.
PEO 1: The student should be able to apply their knowledge in Mathematics, Science, Engineering as well as Computer Science along with programming skills in their Engineering education and career advancement.
PEO 2: They are expected to communicate well and get ready for understanding the importance of social, business, technical and ethical aspects with which a process or product is designed.
PEO 3: They should be able to excel in multidisciplinary teams, develop leadership roles and inculcate problem solving capability, design skills and other diverse career paths.
PEO 4: They should be able to develop an interest in knowledge enhancement with the evolving technologies.
PO 1 Engineering knowledge: To acquire firm knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Engineering & Computer Science.
PO 2 Problem analysis: To identify, formulate & analyze requirements of IT Applications.
PO 3 Design/development of solutions: To effectively apply engineering principles to the design of computer & IT based Systems.
PO 4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: To synthesize research based knowledge in the design of programming and analysis of data for providing valid conclusions to complex problems.
PO 5 Modern tool usage: To possess skills for creating and selecting modern software development tools.
PO 6 The engineer and society: To apply conceptual knowledge relevant to professional engineering practices in societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and their consequences.
PO 7 Environment and sustainability: To understand the impact of engineering solutions in social and economic environments and work towards sustainable development.
PO 8 Ethics: To understand contemporary legal, social & ethical issues in computing.
PO 9 Individual and team work: To effectively work as an individual and adapt to a team environment.
PO 10 Communication: To communicate precisely and effectively both in oral and written in all engineering activities.
PO 11 Project management and finance: To apply engineering and management principles for managing and leading economically feasible projects in multi disciplinary environments as an individual and team member.
PO 12 Life-long learning: To develop confidence to engage in independent & lifelong learning in the context of Technological changes.
PSO 1 The ability to develop software projects using standard practices and suitable programming environment.
PSO 2 To apply computer science knowledge in exploring and adopting latest technologies in different
co-curricular activities