Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)

Course Overview

The Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning program at GNITS under the Computer Science & Engineering department prepares students to become leaders in AI-driven innovations. The curriculum includes foundational knowledge in neural networks, deep learning, and natural language processing, along with hands-on projects such as developing AI solutions for real-time behavior classification and early disease detection using machine learning algorithms. With a focus on solving real-world challenges, graduates are well-prepared to contribute to cutting-edge developments in AI, automation, and intelligent systems across diverse sectors.

Head of the Department

Dr. O. Obulesu

Associate Professor & Head CSE(AI&ML)

To create a first-class academic department that trains the students as data scientists and AI&ML Engineers to solve the real-time challenges and innovate through world-class research to take advantage of better opportunities.


  • Delivering Curriculum effectively with better Teaching Methodologies
  • Implementation of Student- Centric Learning & Research based Teaching
  • Collaborative & Interdisciplinary Research by establishing a Centre-of-Excellence on Data Science, AI&ML.
  • Why Choose GNITS​ For B.Tech

    GNITS empowers women to excel in technology through industry-aligned education, advanced resources, holistic development, and strong placement support. Unlock your potential and shape the future with GNITS.
    Legacy of Excellence

    GNITS has established a strong reputation for academic excellence and innovation since its inception. The institution is renowned for its focused approach to women's education, empowering students to excel in engineering and technology.

    Accreditation and Recognition

    GNITS holds prestigious accreditations from the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and NAAC with an 'A' grade, ensuring a high standard of education. Additionally, its autonomous status granted by the UGC allows for a dynamic and up-to-date curriculum tailored to industry needs.

    Centers of Excellence

    The institution is home to state-of-the-art Centers of Excellence, including those focused on emerging fields like Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, IoT & Analytics, which drive research, innovation, and skill development.

    Outcome Based Education

    • Engineering knowledge: To acquire firm knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Engineering & Computer Science.

    • Problem analysis: To identify, formulate & analyze requirements of IT Applications.

    • Design/development of solutions: To effectively apply engineering principles to the design of computer & IT based Systems.

    • Conduct investigations of complex problems: To synthesize research based knowledge in the design of programming and analysis of data for providing valid conclusions to complex problems.

    • Modern tool usage: To possess skills for creating and selecting modern software development tools.

    • The engineer and society: To apply conceptual knowledge relevant to professional engineering practices in societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and their consequences.

    • Environment and sustainability: To understand the impact of engineering solutions in social and economic environments and work towards sustainable development.

    • Ethics: To understand contemporary legal, social & ethical issues in computing. 

    • Individual and team work: To effectively work as an individual and adapt to a team environment.

    • Communication: To communicate precisely and effectively both in oral and written in all engineering activities.

    • Project management and finance: To apply engineering and management principles for managing and leading economically feasible projects in multi disciplinary environments as an individual and team member.

    • Life-long learning: To develop confidence to engage in independent & lifelong learning in the context of Technological changes.

    • The ability to develop software projects using standard practices and suitable programming environment.
    • To apply computer science knowledge in exploring and adopting latest technologies in different
      co-curricular activities Information Technology.

    Academic Records

    S.No.Name & DesignationMember Category
     1.Dr. M. Seetha, Professor & Head, CSE, GNITS, Hyderabad Chairman
     2.Dr.K.Kamakshi Prasad, Professor of CSE, JNTUCEH, Hyderabad University Nominee
     3.Dr. Chakravarthy Bhagavathi Professor, CIS Dept, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad Subject Expert
     4.Dr. Y. Rama Devi, Professor & Head, CSE, CBIT, Hyderabad Subject Expert
     5.Mr. P Mohan, Senior Data Scientist, Independent Consultant for Data Science, Tech Mahindra, Hyderabad Industry Member
     6.S.S.S.Lakshmi Devi, IT Analyst, Tata Consultancy Services, HyderabadAlumni Member
     7.Dr. K. Venugopala Rao, Professor, CSE GNITS, Hyderabad Internal Member
     8.Dr. N. Kalyani, Professor, Dept of CSE, GNITS, Hyderabad Internal Member
     9.Dr. A. Sharada, Professor, Dept of CSE, GNITS. Internal Member
     10.Mrs. Jayashree S Patil, Associate Professor, Dept of CSE, GNITS, HyderabadInternal Member
     11.Dr Raghavender K V , Associate Professor, Dept of CSE, GNITS, HyderabadInternal Member
     12.Dr.D.V. Lalita Parameswari, Sr .Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE, GNITS, HyderabadInternal Member
     13.Dr. G. Malini Devi, Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE, GNITS, HyderabadInternal Member
     14.Dr. B Shashidhar , Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE (AI and ML), GNITS, HyderabadInternal Member
    S. No.Name & DesignationStatus
    1Dr. M. SeethaChairman
    2Dr. N. KalyaniMember Secretary
    Professor, CSE,  GNITS
    3Dr. K P SupreethiMember
    Professor & Coordinator of Start-up Cell, CSE JNTUH
    4Mr Krishna Mohan PMember
    Vice President Network & IT Infrastructure,Payswiff, Hyderabad
    5Mr Oruganti P VenkateswarMember
    Platform Architect
    6Dr. A. SharadaMember
    Professor, CSE,  GNITS  
    7Mrs. Jayashree S. PatilMember
    Assoc Professor, CSE,  GNITS
    8Dr. O.ObulesuMember
    Assoc Professor, CSD,  GNITS
    9Dr. Sasidhar BMember
    Assistant Professor, CSM,  GNITS
    10Ms. P. ManjulaMember
    Alumnae, Manager, Sree Manju Hospital, Hyderabad
    S.NoName of the Faculty & DesignationProfessional SocietyProfessional Society Memberships  Number
    1Dr K. Prasanna , Assoc. ProfCSILM2010000078
    2Dr. Sasidhar B, Assoc. ProfISTELM 107848


    Roll No. Event Achievement type


    1 21251A6633 Sports Winner(1st Position) 20-11-2023
    2 21251A6657 Hackathon first runner up Round 1:16/12/2023 Final round:27/12/2023
    3 21251A6609 Certification Courses participated 3/September/2023 -4/October/2023
    4 20251A6633 Competition 3rd position 07/01/2024
    5 20251A6633 Competition 1st runner up 23/12/2023-29/12/2023
    6 20251A6633 Paper Publication Participated 22/12/2023

    2022 – 2023


    Roll No. Event Achievement type


    1 21251A6631 Workshop Participated 02/12/2022 – 02/12/2022
    2 22251A6662 Workshop Participated 18/11/2022 – 19/11/2022
    3 21251A6609 Certification Courses Infosys course 10/September/2023-20/October/2023
    4 22251A6615 Certification Courses Completed the course with 87% excellence 08/11/2023
    5 22251A6615 Hackathon Participated 6/10/2023 – 7/10/2023
    6 22251A6621 Debate Other Position 22/11/2022
    7 21251A6655 Quiz Other Position 22/12/2022
    8 21251A6609 Certification Courses IBM course 4/september/2023-4/october/2023
    9 21251A6609 Certification Courses Infosys spring board course 10/September/2023-20/October/2023
    10 20251A6645 Hackathon 2nd 09/03/2023
    FDP’s Attended




    1 Mrs. G Roja Cloud Infrastructure(AWS) MLRIT, Hyderabad 21/08/2023 To 25/08/2023
    Machine Learning Algorithms and its Applications G. Pulla Reddy Engineering college, Kurnool 10/07/2023 To 14/07/2023
    Recent Trends in Data Science for Engineering CBIT, Hyderabad 26/06/2023 To 30/06/2023
    2 Mrs. D Anusha Cyber security and SEIM IBM 24-07-2023 To 04-08-2023
    Secure cyber space Using Machine Learning & Block Chain Technology Vardhaman college of engineering Hyderabad 11/09/2023 To 15/09/2023
    3 Mrs. B Amrita Deep learning enabled intelligent diagnosis system for retinal vein occlusion: redefining diagnostic accuracy   GNITS Hyderabad   18/12/2023 To 23/12/2023
    Big data analytics VNR VJIT Hyderabad 04/12/2023 To 15/12/2023
    ChatGPT and Generative AI ExcelR 11-09-2023 To 19-09-2023
    Refresher Course on ML & DS JNTUHHRDC 11-09-2023 To 25-09-2023
    Deep Learning for NLP and Computer vision CBIT & EXCELR, Hyderabad 10/07/2023 To 28/07/2023
    Data Analytics with Cognos IBM 24/07/2023 To 04/08/2023
    Recent Trends in Data Science for Engineering CBIT, Hyderabad 26/06/2023 To 30/06/2023
    4 N. Siva Sankar Cloud Infrastructures (AWS) BrainOVision Pvt Ltd 21-08-2023 To 25-08-2023
    Could Application Development with Redhat openshift IBM 24-07-2023 To 04-08-2023
    5 Mrs. T Neha Secure cyber space Using Machine Learning & Block Chain Technology Vardhaman college of engineering Hyderabad 11/09/2023 To 15/09/2023
    ICT and Virtual lab Accops Hyderabad 15/09/2023
    Data Analytics with Cognos IBM 24-07-2023 To 04-08-2023
    Recent Trends in Data Science for Engineering CBIT, Hyderabad 26/06/2023 To 30/06/2023
    6 Mrs. A Deepthi Image fusion: Techniques and applications for enhanced visual perception GNITS Hyderabad   11/12/2023 To 16/12/2023
    Explainable AI in Automated Driving: A User-Centred Interaction Approach for explicit understanding of Users, Tasks and Environments GNITS Hyderabad   20/11/2023 to 25/11/2023  
    ICT and Virtual lab Accops Hyderabad 15/09/2023
    Master Data Analytics ExcelR 31/07/2023 To 04/08/2023
    Recent Trends in Data Science for Engineering CBIT, Hyderabad 26/06/2023 To 30/06/2023
    7 Mrs. R Anusha on Explainable AI in Automated Driving: A User-Centred Interaction Approach for explicit understanding of Users, Tasks and Environments   GNITS Hyderabad       20/11/2023 To 25/11/2023
    NPTEL Courses


    Name of the Faculty Name of the NPTEL Course Organized Date Duration
    1 G. Roja The Joy of computing using python IIT Madras Jul-Oct 2023 12 weeks
    2 B. Amrita Business Analytics & Data Mining Modeling using R – part II IIT Roorkee Jul-Aug 2023 04 weeks
    3 A. Deepthi Programming in Java IIT Madras Jul-Oct 2023 12 weeks
    S. No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Achievement Date
    1 Dr. K. Prasanna ·         Nominated as panel member for SIH Internal Hackathon organized by Innovation and Incubation center, GNITS. 20/09/2023
    2 Dr. B. Sasidhar ·         Certified as the co-investigator for the project titled” Revitalizing Rural Women: Empowering through technological interventions for Agriculture, 3D printing and skill development for sustainable livelihood ·         Reviewer for AICTE sponsored IEEE International Conference on Networks, Multimedia and Information Technology(NMITCON), organized at Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru ·         Nominated as panel member for SIH Internal Hackathon organized by Innovation and Incubation center, GNITS ·         Reviewer for first IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Network Security (ICDSNS), organized by Kalpataru Institute of Technology, Tiptur ·         Got Approval for the project proposal titled “AI based classroom monitoring for Student Behavior and Activity Classification in the examination hall” submitted for SEED grant ·         Received first Research Grant letter from DST-SERB under EMEQ scheme of cost 4,50,000 07/07/2023   01/09/2023 to 02/09/2023   20/09/2023   28/07/2023 to 29/07/2023   01/12/2023   01/12/2023
    3 Mrs. G. Roja ·          Nominated for the position of faculty coordinator of CSI Student GNITS   2023  
    4 Mrs. B. Amrita ·         Received certificate for chairing a virtual session on in the 2nd international conference on artificial intelligence and data science organized by sreyas institute of engineering and technology Hyderabad ·         Received certificate for exceptional contribution as a mentor in smart india hackathon 2023. 29/12/2023 to 30/12/2023   29/12/2023 to 30/12/2023
    5 Mrs. Deepthi A ·         Completed ten hours online training program on Master Data Analyst organized by EXCELR. ·         Nominated as panel member for SIH Internal Hackathon organized by Innovation and Incubation center, GNITS 31/07/2023 to 4/08/2023 20/09/2023
    6 Mrs. Ch. Veena ·         Participated in the IEEE R10 PES India chapters annual global workshop on “Smart Technologies in Power and Energy Systems” organized by PES India chapters Hyderabad. ·         completed the NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme – 3 under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission (UGC) Organized by UGC Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad 24/11/2023 to 25/11/2023     16/12/2023 to 30/12/2023

    Program Curriculum

    Discover the pivotal moments that have shaped the institution’s growth, from its foundational years to its emergence as a leading engineering college. 

    Career Path

    Discover the pivotal moments that have shaped the institution’s growth, from its foundational years to its emergence as a leading engineering college. 

    Our Impeccable Faculty

    Discover the pivotal moments that have shaped the institution’s growth, from its foundational years to its emergence as a leading engineering college. 


    GNITS features cutting-edge labs and advanced resources, fostering hands-on learning in emerging technologies like IoT, AI, and Data Science, equipping students for industry success.

    Department Achievements

    GNITS excels in academics, top placements, and pioneering research, with students and faculty earning national and international recognition. Vibrant extracurriculars further enrich campus life.

    Department Achievements
    The department consistently excels in academics, research, and innovation, earning recognition through awards, top placements, and significant research contributions.
    Research Labs

    Our Incubation Center nurtures innovation, supporting students and faculty in transforming ideas into viable startups, fostering entrepreneurship.

    Department Archives
    Strong industry partnerships provide students with internships, workshops, and collaborative projects, bridging the gap between academia and industry for real-world readiness.

    Our Students Say

    From leading successful tech startups to holding influential positions in multinational companies, GNITS graduates have consistently demonstrated leadership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence.


    At GNITS, our curriculum equips students with technical expertise and soft skills, blending theory with hands-on experience to prepare graduates for the demands of the tech industry.

    and many more…

    Frequently Asked Questions

    We offer B.Tech programs in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Information Technology (IT), and Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (AI & DS).
    Yes, GNITS offers M.Tech programs in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Power Electronics and Drives (PE&D), and VLSI Design.
    Yes, we offer doctoral programs (Ph.D.) in various engineering disciplines, focusing on advanced research and innovation.
    Our curriculum is industry-aligned, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience through labs, projects, and internships, ensuring students are job-ready upon graduation.
    GNITS has a dedicated placement cell that offers career guidance, interview preparation, and connects students with top employers in India and globally.
    Alongside academic programs, we offer extracurricular activities, leadership programs, and workshops to build soft skills like communication, teamwork, and leadership.
    Yes, GNITS provides access to advanced labs and research centers where students can engage in cutting-edge research in fields like AI, VLSI, and more.

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    Shaikpet Rd, Ambedkar Nagar, Shaikpet, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500104.