Research Publication

Research Publication

Year of Publication : 2023

No.of Scopus Publications

No.of WoS Publications No.of UGC Publications Other





S.No. Name of  the faculty Title of Paper Title of the Journal  Volume No. /Issue No./ Page No./ Month and Year of publication Indexed in SCI/ WoS/Scopus/UGC/ 


1 Keshav Kumar K. A Conceptual Study In Analysing the Overall Influence of Artificial Intelligence towards Teaching and Learning in Higher Education IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education Vol-13 Issue 3 46-51 May-June 2023 UGC 2320-7388
2 Keshav Kumar K. Application of Total Quality Management in the Engineering Mathematics Classroom to Improve Students’ Performance International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT) Vol-3  Issue10 278-280 May 2023 UGC 2581-9429
3 Keshav Kumar K. The Empirical analysis in determining the critical determinants of using technology in utilising online learning platforms for improving academic achievements using Anova Analysis Journal of Effective Teaching Methods (European Institute of Knowledge and Innovation) Vol.1 Issue 2 39-45 June 2023     UGC 2755-399X
4 E.Pranavi A Study on the Attitude of Bank Managers towards Bancassurance with Reference to Select Public and Private sector Banks at Hyderabad International journal for research in engineering application and Management Vol. 8,Issue  12,pp:81-84 March 2023,,ISSN-2454-9150 UGC 2454-9150
5 Dr.M.Aparna Big Data in Education Juni Khyat Vol. 13, Issue 2, Page No’s:191-194, February 2023, ISSN: 2278-4632 UGC 2278-4632
6. Dr.Areman  Ramyasri Role Of Digitalization In Organisation Development International Journal Of Management And Social Research Review Vol. 10, Issue 1, Page No’s:10-14, January 2023, ISSN: 2349-6738 UGC 2349-6738
7. T. Malathi Latha A Study on Mediating Effect of Resilience and Emotional Intelligence between Occupational Stress and Job Performance IJREAM – International Journal for Research in Engineering Application and Management. Vol. 8, Issue 10, Page No’s:40-45, January 2023, ISSN: 2454-9150 UGC 2454-9150

Year of Publication : 2022

No.of Scopus Publications

No.of WoS Publications No.of UGC Publications Other






S.No. Name of  the faculty Title of Paper Title of the Journal  Volume No. /Issue No./ Page No./ Month and Year of publication Indexed in SCI/ WoS/Scopus/UGC/ 


1 A.Ramya Causes of Employee Absenteeism in Select Enterprises-A study of Warangal District International Journal o4f Bus-iness and Administration Research Vol 9 Issue P.No. Dec-22 UGC 2347-856X
2 Vijaya Lakshmi V Management Accounting and the Concepts of exploratory data analysis and unsupervised Machine Learning NeuroQuantology Vol.20, Issue-12 PP-619-633 Oct-22 Scopus 1303- 5150
3 S.Vasundhara Signature Verification by graph theory GIS science journal Vol 9 Issue 10 PP-588-596 Oct-22 UGC 1869-9391
4 Keshav Kumar K Artificial Intelligence- Based Breast Cancer Detection Using WPSO International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems Vol 13 Issue 2 PP-1-16 September 2022 Scopus 1947-9328
5 Vijaya Lakshmi V Deep neural network-based Consumer Behavior Analysis in Business Management using Aumann Agreement Theorem Vol 20 Issue 8 PP-4993-5003 July 2022 Scopus 1303- 5150
6 V.B.Sangeetha Evaluation of Software components used in multimedia labs: A critical study Research Journal of English(RJOE) Vol 7 Issue 2 PP-351-355 June 2022 Scopus 2456-2696
7 V.B.Sangeetha Integrating Internet into Classroom teaching International journal of English and studies (IJOES) Vol 4 Issue 6  PP-132-137 June 2022 Scopus 2581-8333
8 M.Aparna Applications of Big Data in Healthcare International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research Vol 11Issue 9 PP-223-229 May 2022 UGC ISSN 2456 – 5083
9 M.Madhavilata Research Methodology on Operations Research,Inventory Model and Supply Chain Analytics International Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovative Research Vol 2 Issue 2 PP-1-5 April 2022 UGC 2583-0228
10 S.Vasundhara Impact of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Approach with Machine learning algorithms Elsevier ssrn Vol Issue PP-1-13 May 2022 Scopus 1556-5068
11 M.Madhavilata Overview of supply Chain Analytics and Operations Research International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Educational Research Vol 11 Issue 3 PP-6-8 March 2022 UGC 2277-7881
12 Smitha Mahindrakar Artificial Intelligence in Accounting Practices Internaltional Journal of Science and Research(IJSR) Vol 11 Issue 3 PP- March 2022 UGC 2319-7064

Department Overview

The Department of Humanities and Mathematics at GNITS is a multi-disciplinary department that provides essential support to the various branches of engineering through specialized courses in English, Management Studies, and Mathematics. Serving as a cornerstone for first-year B.Tech students, the department manages admissions, academic administration, and student-institution communications, ensuring a smooth transition into the engineering curriculum.

With a focus on imparting fundamental knowledge and skills, the department’s vision is to bridge the gap between students’ previous academic streams and the professional engineering environment. Through committed teaching and innovative instructional methods, the H&M department aims to equip students with a strong foundation in communication, management, and mathematical principles. In addition to classroom instruction, the department offers guidance and counseling to help students adapt to the challenges of academic and professional life.

Head of the Department

Dr. M. Madhavilata

M.Sc, P.hD, HOD & Associate Professor

Academic Records

Subject: English

S. No Name & Designation Member Category
1. Dr. P. Aparna
Professor and H&M
2. Dr. NVSN Lakshmi
Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences
University Nominee
3. Dr. K. Padmini Shankar
Professor, Dept of ESL Studies & Dean, Research,
EFLU, Hyderabad
Subject Expert
4. Mr. Raghuram Ananthoj
Consultant IT Programme, Dell International Services
Industry Member
5. Ms. Haripriya Malladi
Application Development Manager, Accenture
Alumnae Member
6. Ms. V. Jahnavi
Sr. Asst. Professor, GNITS
Internal Member
7. Dr. B. Sushma
Asst. Professor, GNITS
Internal Member

Subject: Mathematics

S. No Name & Designation Member Category
1. Dr. M. Nagasree, Sr. Asst. Professor in Mathematics – GNITS Chairperson
2. Dr. V. Srinivasa Kumar, Sr. Assistant Professor – JNTUH JNTUH – University Nominee
3. Dr. Puranam Anantha Lakshmi Narayana, Associate Professor, IIT Hyderabad Subject Expert
4. Prof. V.V Haragopal, Visiting Faculty BITS, Hyderabad Subject Expert
5. Mr. S. Srinivas Chary, DRDL, Scientist G DRDL, Hyderabad Industry Expert
6. Dr. P. Aparna, Professor & HOD, H&M – GNITS Member
7. Ms. Haripriya Malladi, Application Development Manager, Accenture Alumnae Member
8. Dr. M. Madhavi Lata, Sr. Asst. Prof. in Mathematics – GNITS Internal Member
9. Dr. NVSL Narasimham, Sr. Asst. Prof. in Mathematics – GNITS Internal Member

Subject : Management Studies

S. No Name & Designation Member Category
1. Dr. P. Rekha, Sr. Assistant Professor in Management Studies Chairperson
2. Prof. Dr. Sindhu, Professor & Director I/c, SMS JNTUH – University Nominee
3. Prof. Dr. B. Raja Shekar, ProVC, UOH Subject Expert
4. Mr. Raghuram Ananthoj, Consultant IT Programme, Dell International Services Industry Member
5. Ms. Haripriya Malladi, Application Development Manager, Accenture Alumnae Member
6. Dr. P. Aparna, Professor & HOD, H&M – GNITS Member
7. Ms. V. Vijaya Lakshmi, Asst. Professor, GNITS Internal Member
S. No.Name & DesignationStatus
1Dr. M. SeethaChairman
2Dr. N. KalyaniMember Secretary
Professor, CSE,  GNITS
3Dr. K P SupreethiMember
Professor & Coordinator of Start-up Cell, CSE JNTUH
4Mr Krishna Mohan PMember
Vice President Network & IT Infrastructure,Payswiff, Hyderabad
5Mr Oruganti P VenkateswarMember
Platform Architect
6Dr. A. SharadaMember
Professor, CSE,  GNITS  
7Mrs. Jayashree S. PatilMember
Assoc Professor, CSE,  GNITS
8Dr. O.ObulesuMember
Assoc Professor, CSD,  GNITS
9Dr. Sasidhar BMember
Assistant Professor, CSM,  GNITS
10Ms. P. ManjulaMember
Alumnae, Manager, Sree Manju Hospital, Hyderabad
S.NoName of the OrganizationMOU DatePurpose
1Smart Bridge Educational Services Pvt.Ltd25-01-2021·         Hands on training on IoT & Data Analytics for both faculty and Students
2M/s. Cedura Testsol Pvt. Ltd (CeduraTech)18-01-2021·         To mentor the departments and startups working under various R&D programs
3Brain O Vision Solutions Pvt. Ltd.44501·        To conduct Bootcamps & Hackathons across different technological platforms
·        Training programs
·        Internships
4M/s. EMPIEZO IT Solutions Pvt.Ltd21-01-2020·       To mentor the departments
·       Startups working under various R&D programs
·       To engage innovators in the complementary domain from both organization to co-innovative in the disruptive technologies.
·       To conduct workshops
5M/s. Intrinsic Science Labs Pvt.Ltd43508·       To establish GNITS Incubation Centre (GIC)
·       To promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in college
6M/s. Book My Stall43508·       To establish GNITS Incubation Centre (GIC)
·       To promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in college
7BrighTex Bio-Photonics Pvt.Ltd25-11-2019·        Create a project bank for final year students
·        Sharing Industry oriented courseware and technology with faculty.
·        Hands on training on AI & Entrepreneurial development
8International School of Engineering (INSOFE)43528·       Best opportunity to learn Data Science
·       Guest lectures
·       FDPs
9Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology,Hyd16-11-2018·       Joint Organization of FDPs / Conferences / Hackathons / Workshops
·       Undertake collaborative R&D work
·       Development of new Laboratories.
10IDEALABS Future Tech Ventures, Hyderabad43169·        Mentor connect,
·        Boot camps & Hackathons
·        Corporate challenges
·       Center of Excellence
·       Joint Research
·       Faculty Development Programs
11Cluster IT Solutions Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad22-09-2018·        Provide technology training & technical support for executing outsourced projects
·        FDPs
·        Capability development of the students
12Eleven01 Technologies, Hyderabad25-07-2018·       Mentor connect
·       Boot camps & Hackathons
·       Corporate challenges
·       Center of Excellence
·        Joint Research
·       Faculty Development Programs
·       Certification programs on Blockchain technology
13Apple20-05-2016Practical knowledge on MAC IOS and related future apps
S. NoName of the Faculty & DesignationProfessional Society Memberships Number
1Dr. M. Seetha, Dean R&DLM33898
2Dr. N. Kalyani, Dean I&ILM54423
3Dr. Jayashree S Patil, Assoc. Prof.LM130438
4Dr.Raghavender K V, Assoc. Prof.LM 86006
5Mrs. Bhageshwari Ratkal, Asst. Prof.LM130439
6Mrs. S. Sandhya, Asst. Prof.LM55094
7Mrs. R. Mamatha, Asst. Prof.LM139119
8Mr. G. Nagababu, Asst. Prof.LM12114
9Mr. T. Anil, Asst. Prof.LM130437
S. NoName of the Faculty & DesignationProfessional Society Memberships Number
1Dr. N. Kalyani, Dean I&IF-1200492
2Dr. A. Sharada, CSE HODF-1227315
3Dr. Jayashree S Patil, Assoc. Prof.M-1582903
4Dr. D. V. Lalitha Parameswari, Assoc. Prof.M-1582895
5Dr. G. Malini Devi, Assoc. Prof.M-1582881
S. NoName of the Faculty & DesignationProfessional Society Memberships Number
1Dr. M. Seetha, Dean R&DM-N1041304
2Dr. N. Kalyani, Dean I&I118473
3Dr. A. Sharada, HOD106702
4Dr. D. V. Lalitha Parameswari, Assoc. Prof.118563
5Dr. P Sunitha Devi, Asst. Prof.F8004095
6Mrs. M. Lalitha, Asst. Prof.F8001393
7Mrs. V. Divya Raj, Asst. Prof.5022240008
8Mrs. R. Mamatha, Asst. Prof.F8004096
9Mrs. Y. Sravani Devi, Asst. Prof.5022240014
10Mr. G. Nagababu, Asst. Prof.11502409
S. NoName of the Faculty & DesignationProfessional Society Memberships Number
1Dr. M. Seetha, Dean R&DM-177238
S. NoName of the Faculty & DesignationProfessional Society Memberships Number
1Mrs. M. Lalitha, Asst. Prof.9731038
2Mrs. R. Mamatha, Asst. Prof.759272
3Mrs. Nanda Devi D.R, Asst. Prof.9665468
S. NoName of the Faculty & DesignationProfessional Society Memberships Number
1Dr. G. Malini Devi, Assoc. Prof.IEAE20180356
2Mrs. M. Lalitha, Asst. Prof.InSc (InSc20210787)

Our Impeccable Faculty

Discover the pivotal moments that have shaped the institution’s growth, from its foundational years to its emergence as a leading engineering college. 



GNITS offers labs to enhance students’ communication and employability skills. The ELCS Lab helps first-year B.Tech students learn English, while the Employability and Soft Skills Lab equips third-year students with professional skills. The SPDC, funded by AICTE, provides targeted training to SC/ST students.

Our Students Say

From leading successful tech startups to holding influential positions in multinational companies, GNITS graduates have consistently demonstrated leadership, innovation, and a commitment to excellence.


At GNITS, our curriculum equips students with technical expertise and soft skills, blending theory with hands-on experience to prepare graduates for the demands of the tech industry.

and many more…

Frequently Asked Questions

We offer B.Tech programs in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Information Technology (IT), and Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (AI & DS).
Yes, GNITS offers M.Tech programs in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Power Electronics and Drives (PE&D), and VLSI Design.
Yes, we offer doctoral programs (Ph.D.) in various engineering disciplines, focusing on advanced research and innovation.
Our curriculum is industry-aligned, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience through labs, projects, and internships, ensuring students are job-ready upon graduation.
GNITS has a dedicated placement cell that offers career guidance, interview preparation, and connects students with top employers in India and globally.
Alongside academic programs, we offer extracurricular activities, leadership programs, and workshops to build soft skills like communication, teamwork, and leadership.
Yes, GNITS provides access to advanced labs and research centers where students can engage in cutting-edge research in fields like AI, VLSI, and more.

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Shaikpet Rd, Ambedkar Nagar, Shaikpet, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500104.