Academic & Administrative Committees

Examination Committee /Result Review Committee

Introduction The office of “The Controller of Examinations” was instituted in the year 2018 on the conferment of UGC Autonomous status to the college. The Controller of Examinations (CoE) is heading the ‘Office of the Controller of Examinations’. The Examination Cell plays an important role in the conduction and evaluation process of the students, at each and every stage, including Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and Semester End Examinations (SEE) of both B.Tech and M.Tech. The Examination Cell consists of Controller of Examinations, Additional Controller of Examinations and supporting staff for the smooth conduction, monitor and to solve grievances of students related to examinations. FUNCTIONS
  • Conduct Internal and External Semester End Examinations of both B.Tech and M.Tech.
  • Conduct Central and State Government Service Exams such as UPSC, RRB, TS GENCO, TS TRANSCO, TSPSC, Police Recruitment etc.
  • Any Circular, Guidelines, Office Order, Notification received from the Chief Controller of Examinations (Principal) / Controller of Examinations are processed in the cell.
  • To work according to the guidelines of Controller of Examinations regarding distribution of Examination Forms, Fee Collections, issue of Hall Tickets, Transcripts etc.
  • Release of Academic Calendars, Preparation of Mid Examination and Semester End Examination Time Tables and send it to all the departments for smooth conduction of class work and examinations.
  • The Examination Cell shall prepare seating plan, arrangement of halls and requirement of Invigilators for the Semester End Examinations (SEE) and display them on the respective Notice Board/Website and Blocks.
  • Stationary pertaining to the Examinations such as answer sheets, drawing sheets, graph paper, trays, threads, water jugs etc. are made available.
  • The Exam Cell shall ensure that if any student caught during the exam by copying or chit or minor Xerox copies, then that case will be booked under malpractice, the same will be communicated to Principal through Controller of Examinations along with proofs.
  • The Examination Cell has procured sophisticated infrastructure to evaluate the student answer scripts.
  • All the results of both B.Tech and M.Tech (First Year to Final Year) shall be displayed on the respective student Notice Boards/College Website. A copy of the same shall be sent to the respective HODs.
  • Under the guidance of the Controller of Examinations, the Exam Cell shall analyze the exam results and the same shall be verified by the respective HODs. After due verification, copies of the result analysis shall be sent to HODs and the Principal.


Committee Members
S.No. Name Position Department
1 Dr.K. Ramesh Reddy Principal EEE
2 Dr.G.P.Prasada Reddy, Professor & CE CoE ME
3 Mr.B.V.Prasad Babu, Assoc.Professor & ACE Member IT
4 Dr.S.M.Swamy,  Assoc.Professor & ACE Member ME
5 Dr.K.Syamala Devi, Assoc.Prof. & ACE Member BS
6 Mr.S.N.S.Reddy, Asst.Professor & ACE Member ME
7 Dr.M.Aparna Member HM
8 Mr.D.Swamy Member HM
Roles & Responsibilities of Chief Superintendent
  1. To appoint Controller of Examinations in consultation with the Management.
  2. To appoint Examination Committee Members in coordination with HODs and Controller of Examinations.
  3. To appoint internal Flying Squad, Invigilators and other human resources for smooth conduction of examination in the college in coordination with Controller of Examinations.
  4. To interact with University for exam related works.
  5. To appoint internal and external examiners for lab assessment in coordination with HODs and Controller of Examinations.
Roles & Responsibilities of Controller of Examinations
  1. Responsible for the conduct of all examinations and it shall be his duty to arrange for the preparation, scheduling, evaluation and reporting of all examinations and for the payment of remuneration to question paper setters and examiners and all other contingent matters connected with examinations.
  2. Direct superintending control over the Examination Cell, examination stores, computer section and records.
  3. Making necessary arrangements for the safe custody of office files connected with the conduct of examinations of the College, documents, certificates etc. by the officers under whom such documents are kept.
  4. Prepare Time Tables, Seating plan, arrangement of halls and requirements of Invigilators list for the Semester End Examinations (SEE) and display them on the concerned Notice Board/Website and Blocks.
  5. Shall conduct the Examinations (College, University, Govt./Private) and therefore make all other arrangements and be responsible for the due execution of all processes connected therewith.
  6. Pre-examination meeting will be held periodically to brief the members of committee with   regard   to   the   examination   procedures   and   the   roles and responsibilities to be performed before, during and after the examinations and the minutes of the meeting will be prepared and same shall be submitted to the Principal.
  7. All the results of both B.Tech and M.Tech (First Year to Final Year) shall be displayed on the respective student Notice Boards/College Website. A copy of the same shall be sent to the respective HODs.
  8. Taking special care to see that secrecy and confidentiality are kept in connection with all examinations of the College.
  9. Exercising control over the space allotted for the examination wing including that for centralized valuation. Further, should ensure that the rooms, building, laboratories, stores etc. are well in order / prepared to conduct the examinations.
Roles & Responsibilities of Additional Controller of Examinations
  1. Member of Examination Committee.
  2. Preparation of examination schedules and examination calendar, in consultation with the Controller of Examinations.
  3. Communications at various levels of examination planning, preparation, execution, valuation, tabulation and mark list printing and distribution.
  4. Preparation and printing of answer booklets for various examinations.
  5. Make sure that the question papers are ready before the examinations are scheduled.
  6. Helping CoE in all his activities (finding question paper setters, examiners, actual organization and implementation of examination system)
  7. Make sure that the forms relating to examinations are ready in time (Seating Plan, hall tickets etc.)
  8. All other tasks required for the conduction and evaluation process of Examinations.
  9. Communicate with Controller of Examinations and HoDs related to all the examinations.
  10. Inform about the notifications/circulars related to examinations to the faculty and students.
  11. Addressing the grievances related to registrations and exams to Controller of Examinations and HoDs.
  12. Assigning the duty to staff properly during examination as per the duty chart.
  13. Under the guidance of the Controller of Examinations, the Exam Cell shall analyse the exam results and the same shall be verified by the respective HoDs. After due verification, copies of the result analysis shall be sent to HoDs and the Principal.
Office Order Results Review Committee
Shaikpet Rd, Ambedkar Nagar, Shaikpet, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500104.