Academic & Administrative Committees

Anti Ragging/Anti Drugs Committee

Anti-Ragging Cell (ARC) was constituted in 2015 to curb ragging activities in the Institution as per the guidelines given by statutory bodies such as AICTE, UGC, State Government and JNTUH, Hyderabad. A committee was formed with both students and faculty as its members. Prof Ch. Ganapathy Reddy, Professor, ECE Dept is the coordinator cum nodal officer. The ARC aims to redress the grievances of students especially first year students. This cell strives to establish a conducive and safe environment in the institution for the freshly admitted students. The complaints received by the students are redressed with mutual consultations and based on the gravity of the complaint. The students are encouraged to file their complaints which are considered by the Anti-Ragging Cell. The meetings will be called by the Co-Ordinator to decide the course of action to be taken depending on the seriousness of the complaint.

S. No

Name Designation Department


1 Dr. K. Ramesh Reddy




2 Prof. Ch. Ganapathy Reddy



Nodal Officer

3 Mr. V Radhakrishna

Asst. Prof



4 Mrs V. Divya Raj

Asst. Prof



5 Mrs. J. Mamatha

Asst. Prof



6 Prof. G. Gopinath

Asst. Prof



7 Mrs. Ch. Sravanthi

Asst. Prof



8 Mr. Siva Sankar Namani

Asst. Prof



9 Mr. Hari Krishna

Asst. Prof



10 Dr. S. Uday Bhasker

Asst. Prof



11 Ms. N. Hiranmai

Asst. Prof



Aims & Objectives
  • To prevent ragging and drugs in all its forms in GNITS.
  • To propose adequate measures to the college authorities to CURB ragging and drugs in the
  • To provide a safe and congenial environment for the students by instilling confidence in them.
  • To initiate required steps in the Institution as per the instructions received from Director of Technical Education, JNTUH & UGC for their effective implementation.
  • To display banners and posters about ill effects of ragging and drugs and the related consequences.
  • To provide required guidance and counselling for the needy students.
Functions & Responsibilities
  • Awareness creation & spreading.
  • Conduction of seminars & events ( 1 or 2 per year) based on the situation
  • Guidance & counselling as and when needed
  • Regular monitoring all through the academic year.
  • Ease of accessibility
  • Public relations
  • Immediate response to the complaints
Grievance Redressal mechanism: I. In case of any ragging or drug incident, the aggrieved can:
  • Approach any member of Anti-Ragging/ Anti-drug Committee or Nodal Officer or any HOD or Principal.
  • Lodge her complaint through grievances drop box placed in all departments.
  • Send an email to nodal officer at [email protected].
II. On receipt of a serious complaint related to ragging / drug, the following procedure will be followed:
  • A sub-committee will be formed under the chairmanship of Principal or any another senior faculty member which shall conduct a preliminary enquiry so as to ascertain the facts of the allegations by collecting circumstantial evidences as well as recorded statements of any witness/es including the complainant.
  • The inquiry shall be completed within a period of one week.
  • On completion of the inquiry, the sub-committee shall submit a report of its findings soon after completion of its inquiry.
  • The Principal shall then act upon the recommendations of the sub-committee with an intimation to the parents.
III.  What are the possible actions that can be taken against respondent?
  • Oral or written Warning
  • Written apology/undertaking
  • Suspension from classes
  • Dismissal from Institution
  • Any other relevant actions as deemed fit by the committee
Shaikpet Rd, Ambedkar Nagar, Shaikpet, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500104.